I need an editor that outputs clean HTML, and preferably strict XHTML with CSS, as I am going to display the resulting pages as help pages in a java application using xhmtlrenderer ("Flying Saucer") which apparently very much prefers XHTML with CSS 2.1.

Having searched stackoverflow for HTML editor and XHTML editor, I've found several mentioned. Aptana is one, Eclipse's Web Tools is another, and KompoZer is a third.

I am going to try these out. With this question, I ask whether there are other good options that would satisfy my requirements, and if there are any one of these mentioned or new ones that you'd recommend in particular, that I should focus a bit extra on?


3 回答 3



如果您需要直观地设计页面布局,请转到 Dreamweaver。我不喜欢任何 Eclipse (X)HTML 可视化编辑器,它们有问题,而且预览功能甚至比 Dreamweaver 提供的功能还差。

如果您了解或更关心 xhtml 文件的内容,请使用 Eclipse Web Tools 的 HTML 编辑器,并始终将此严格的 XHTML DOCTYPE 作为您的第一行文档:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

如前所述,您始终可以根据 HTML Tidy 检查您的代码以验证此类事情。

于 2010-05-21T14:17:08.483 回答

记事本++: http: //notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm


于 2010-05-21T13:26:45.920 回答

如果在 Mac OS X 上,


科莫多编辑,http: //www.activestate.com/node/43

文本伴侣, http: //macromates.com/

总能通过 HTML Tidy 运行 XHTML/HTML 代码http://tidy.sourceforge.net/

于 2010-05-21T13:29:43.840 回答