我正在从事类似的任务。下面是两个用 C++ 编写的代码示例。示例 1 展示了如何使用GetLocalVariableTable和GetLocalObject在 MethodEntry 回调中获取局部变量。示例 2 展示了如何使用 BCI(字节码检测)来执行此操作。
示例 1:
HandleMethodEntry 是 MethodEntry 事件的回调方法。它记录有关方法参数的一些信息。GetLocalVariableTable 检索局部变量信息,由 GetLocalObject 使用。深度为零的帧是当前帧,第一个参数位于插槽 0。对于非静态帧,插槽 0 包含“this”对象。要从本机方法框架中检索“this”对象,您应该使用GetLocalInstance而不是GetLocalObject。
void JNICALL MethodTraceAgent::HandleMethodEntry(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, JNIEnv* jni, jthread thread, jmethodID method)
try {
jvmtiError error;
jclass clazz;
char* name;
char* signature;
// get declaring class of the method
error = m_jvmti->GetMethodDeclaringClass(method, &clazz);
// get the signature of the class
error = m_jvmti->GetClassSignature(clazz, &signature, 0);
// get method name
error = m_jvmti->GetMethodName(method, &name, NULL, NULL);
char tmp[1024];
sprintf(tmp, "%s%s", signature, name);
if(pFilter->Match("method", tmp)) { // intrested method?
char out[1024];
jint param_size = 0;
error = m_jvmti->GetArgumentsSize(method, ¶m_size);
int line_len = sprintf(out, "method_entry: %s%s%, param_size:%d", signature, name, param_size);
// visit local variable
jint entry_count = 0;
jvmtiLocalVariableEntry *table_ptr = NULL;
jlocation cur_loc;
// this call may return JVMTI_ERROR_ABSENT_INFORMATION, this error is avoided by initialize entry_count to 0 to escape the following for loop
error = m_jvmti->GetLocalVariableTable(method, &entry_count, &table_ptr);
error = m_jvmti->GetFrameLocation(thread, 0, NULL, &cur_loc);
for(int j=0; j<min(param_size, entry_count); j++) {
if(table_ptr[j].start_location > cur_loc) break;
if(table_ptr[j].signature[0] == 'L') { // fully-qualified-class
jobject param_obj;
jlong param_obj_tag = 0;
error = m_jvmti->GetLocalObject(thread, 0, table_ptr[j].slot, ¶m_obj); // frame at depth zero is the current frame
m_jvmti->GetTag(param_obj, ¶m_obj_tag);
if(param_obj_tag == 0) {
m_jvmti->SetTag(param_obj, theTag);
param_obj_tag = theTag;
line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, ", param_obj_tag: %ld", param_obj_tag);
//line_len += sprintf(out+line_len, ", slot:%d, start:%ld, cur:%ld, param:%s%s", table_ptr[j].slot, table_ptr[j].start_location, cur_loc, table_ptr[j].signature, table_ptr[j].name);
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr[j].signature));
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr[j].name));
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr[j].generic_signature));
error = m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr));
// put to log list
printf("\r%-10d", logList.size());
// release resources
error = m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(name));
error = m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(signature));
} catch (AgentException& e) {
cout << "Error when enter HandleMethodEntry: " << e.what() << " [" << e.ErrCode() << "]" << endl;
示例 2:
正如在类似问题的答案中提到的,在 MethodEntry 甚至回调中处理它可能会出现性能问题。您可以考虑 BCI 方法。MTRACE_native_entry 是在每个方法调用的最开始注入的本地方法。它是从 MTrace 的 method_entry 方法调用的。
在 MTRACE_native_entry 中,您需要在第 2 帧回溯到感兴趣的方法(执行本机方法的当前帧在第 0 帧)。在 GitHub 的另一个项目 stackparam 中可以找到类似的参数跟踪示例。但是,没有测试这两种方法的性能差异。
此示例未显示的代码可以在 jdk 文档 dir demo/jvmti/mtrace 中找到。核心步骤是使用 java_crw_demo 在 ClassFileLoadHook 事件回调中注入 method_entry。
void JNICALL MethodTraceAgent::MTRACE_native_entry(JNIEnv *jni, jclass klass, jthread thread, jint cnum, jint mnum)
/* It's possible we get here right after VmDeath event, be careful */
if ( !pTheAgent->vmInitialized || pTheAgent->vmDead || thread == NULL)
jvmtiError error;
char out[1024];
int line_len = 0;
jvmtiFrameInfo frames[3];
jint cframe;
error = m_jvmti->GetStackTrace(thread, 0, 3, frames, &cframe);
if(cframe < 3)
jmethodID method = frames[2].method;
jclass dec_cls;
char *mtd_name, *dec_cls_sig;
m_jvmti->GetMethodDeclaringClass(method, &dec_cls);
m_jvmti->GetClassSignature(dec_cls, &dec_cls_sig, NULL);
m_jvmti->GetMethodName(method, &mtd_name, NULL, NULL);
jboolean isNative = false;
m_jvmti->IsMethodNative(method, &isNative);
line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, "m_en: %s%s", dec_cls_sig, mtd_name);
// operate tags
jint param_size = 0;
jint entry_count = 0;
jvmtiLocalVariableEntry *table_ptr = NULL;
error = m_jvmti->GetArgumentsSize(method, ¶m_size);
error = m_jvmti->GetLocalVariableTable(method, &entry_count, &table_ptr);
line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, ", %d, %d", param_size, entry_count);
for(int j=0; j<min(param_size, entry_count); j++) {
jobject param_obj = 0;
if(j==0 && strcmp(table_ptr[0].name, "this") == 0) { // this instance
error = m_jvmti->GetLocalInstance(thread, 2, ¶m_obj);
if(thiso == 0) thiso = param_obj;
else {
line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, ", same_this: %d", jni->IsSameObject(thiso, param_obj));
jfieldID field = jni->GetFieldID(dec_cls, "a", "I");
jint a = jni->GetIntField(param_obj, field);
line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, ", a: %d", a);
else if(table_ptr[j].signature[0] == 'L') { // object
error = m_jvmti->GetLocalObject(thread, 2, table_ptr[j].slot, ¶m_obj); // frame at depth zero is the current frame
if(param_obj != 0) {
//line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, ", modi: %d, this: %d, same: %d", modied, param_obj, jni->IsSameObject(param_obj, modied));
jlong param_obj_tag = 0;
m_jvmti->GetTag(param_obj, ¶m_obj_tag);
if(param_obj_tag == 0) {
error = m_jvmti->SetTag(param_obj, pTheAgent->ctag);
param_obj_tag = pTheAgent->ctag;
line_len += sprintf(out + line_len, ", param_obj_tag: %ld", param_obj_tag);
//line_len += sprintf(out+line_len, ", slot:%d, start:%ld, cur:%ld, param:%s%s", table_ptr[j].slot, table_ptr[j].start_location, cur_loc, table_ptr[j].signature, table_ptr[j].name);
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr[j].signature));
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr[j].name));
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr[j].generic_signature));
error = m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(table_ptr));
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(dec_cls_sig));
m_jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(mtd_name));
public class MTrace {
private static int engaged = 0;
/* At the very beginning of every method, a call to method_entry()
* is injected.
private static native void _method_entry(Object thread, int cnum, int mnum);
public static void method_entry(int cnum, int mnum)
if ( engaged != 0 ) {
_method_entry(Thread.currentThread(), cnum, mnum);
/* Before any of the return bytecodes, a call to method_exit()
* is injected.
private static native void _method_exit(Object thread, int cnum, int mnum);
public static void method_exit(int cnum, int mnum)
if ( engaged != 0 ) {
_method_exit(Thread.currentThread(), cnum, mnum);
请注意,这两个示例是出于测试目的而编写的,并非检查所有 jvmti 函数的返回值。其他一些问题也可能存在。