
I am trying to do specific task in a separate thread in android using Thread Pool executor with the Max thread size of 5 making sure there can be five parallel task would be run at a time. But problem with this approach is When I close my application the thread will also be killed. I want this to run out of application scope. I could have opted for service with the AIDL . But problem with this is I need to keep on bind and unbind to the service and I need to parcel the object before I need to send it. Also when the task is completed i need to communicate back to the calling application. This I could any how achieve using Broadcast. I was wondering If I can make a thread run in a separate process or I need to go with AIDL only ? Please help me understand!


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当您有一个从不创建或使用新线程的应用程序时,您正在运行一个主线程,该线程使用操作系统分配给应用程序的全部 CPU 时间。





于 2015-03-02T07:11:30.923 回答

服务听起来像您想要的(因为即使应用程序消失,它也可以继续运行)。AIDL 的东西更让人痛苦,但这就是你需要做的事情来获得你所要求的行为。

于 2015-03-02T07:08:06.370 回答