I'm writing a ray tracer.

Recently, I added threading to the program to exploit the additional cores on my i5 Quad Core.

In a weird turn of events the debug version of the application is now running slower, but the optimized build is running faster than before I added threading.

I'm passing the "-g -pg" flags to gcc for the debug build and the "-O3" flag for the optimized build.

Host system: Ubuntu Linux 10.4 AMD64.

I know that debug symbols add significant overhead to the program, but the relative performance has always been maintained. I.e. a faster algorithm will always run faster in both debug and optimization builds.

Any idea why I'm seeing this behavior?

Debug version is compiled with "-g3 -pg". Optimized version with "-O3".

Optimized no threading:        0m4.864s
Optimized threading:           0m2.075s

Debug no threading:            0m30.351s
Debug threading:               0m39.860s
Debug threading after "strip": 0m39.767s

Debug no threading (no-pg):    0m10.428s
Debug threading (no-pg):       0m4.045s

This convinces me that "-g3" is not to blame for the odd performance delta, but that it's rather the "-pg" switch. It's likely that the "-pg" option adds some sort of locking mechanism to measure thread performance.

Since "-pg" is broken on threaded applications anyway, I'll just remove it.


4 回答 4




于 2010-05-21T14:46:01.193 回答



除了占用更多磁盘空间之外,调试符号并不是“开销”。以最大优化 (-O3) 编译的代码不应添加调试符号。这是您在不需要所述符号时设置的标志。


于 2010-05-21T09:09:22.077 回答


于 2010-05-21T15:40:41.683 回答

多线程代码执行时间并不总是如 gprof 预期的那样测量。除了 gprof 之外,您还应该使用其他计时器对代码进行计时以查看差异。

我的示例:在 2NUMA 节点 INTEL 沙桥(8 核 + 8 核)上运行 LULESH CORAL 基准测试,大小为 -s 50 和 20 次迭代 -i,使用 gcc 6.3.0,-O3 编译,我有:

运行 1 个线程:没有 -pg的~3,7和有它的~3,8,但根据 gprof 分析,代码只运行了 3,5。

运行 16 个线程:没有 -pg的~0,6和有它的~0,8,但根据 gprof 分析,代码已经运行了 ~4,5 ...

粗体的时间是 gettimeofday 测量的,在并行区域之外(主函数的开始和结束)。

因此,也许如果您以相同的方式测量您的应用程序时间,您会看到使用和不使用 -pg 时相同的 speeduo。只是 gprof 度量是并行错误的。无论哪种方式,在 LULESH openmp 版本中。

于 2018-02-05T21:37:28.600 回答