import os
openleft = '0'
openright = '0'
room = '0'
lights = '0'
draweropen = '0'
key = '0'
unlocked = '0'
open = ("It is already open.")
closed = ("It is already closed.")
shut = ("It is closed shut.")
print(" ")
print("*Stuck? Need Some Help? Try Using Some Commands Like:")
print("Open / Close / Unlock / Enter / Look / Check / ")
print(" ")
print("Welcome To A Text Adventure")
print(" ")
print("The Building")
print(" ")
print(" ")
print("You awake on the hard floor of a white room.")
if room == '0':
print("There are two wooden doors.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'look' in i:
print ("You see nothing.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'check' in i:
print ("You see nothing.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if 'right' not in i:
print("Open what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' in i:
print("Pick a single door.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if openleft == '0':
print("You open the left door.")
openleft = '1'
i = input(">>>")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if unlocked == '0':
print("You attempt to open the door, but it's locked.")
i = input(">>>")
if unlocked == '1':
if openright == '0':
print("You open the right door.")
openright = '1'
i = input(">>>")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' in i:
print("Pick a single door.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' not in i:
print("Unlock what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' in i:
print("It does not have a lock.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if key == '0':
print("You cannot without a key.")
i = input(">>>")
if key == '1':
if unlocked == '0':
print("You unlock the door.")
unlocked = '1'
i = input(">>>")
if unlocked == '1':
print("It is already unlocked.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if 'right' not in i:
print("Open what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' in i:
print("Pick a single door.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if openleft == '0':
i = input(">>>")
print("You close the left door.")
openleft = '0'
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if openright == '0':
print("You close the right door.")
openright = '0'
i = input(">>>")
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' in i:
print("You cannot enter both.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' not in i:
print("Enter what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if openright == '0':
i = input(">>>")
if openright == '1':
print("You enter.")
room = '2'
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' in i:
if openleft == '0':
i = input(">>>")
if openleft == '1':
print("You enter.")
print ("It is a dark room.")
room = '1'
if 'enter' not in i:
if 'open' not in i:
if 'close' not in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'open' not in i:
if 'close' not in i:
if 'unlock' not in i:
if 'look' not in i:
if 'check' not in i:
i = input(">>>")
if room == '1':
print ("You barely see the light switch next to you.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'flip' in i:
if 'switch' in i:
if lights == '0':
print("You turn on the lights.")
lights = '1'
print("You turn off the lights.")
lights = '0'
if 'turn' in i:
if 'on' in i:
if 'off' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("You turn on the lights.")
lights = '1'
print("The lights are already on.")
if 'turn' in i:
if 'off' in i:
if 'on' not in i:
if lights == '1':
print("You turn off the lights.")
lights = '0'
print("The light are already off")
if 'look' in i:
if 'drawer' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("It is too dark to see.")
if lights == '1':
print("You see a drawer in the corner of the room.")
if 'check' in i:
if 'drawer' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("It is too dark to see.")
if lights == '1':
print("You see a drawer in the corner of the room.")