我正在试用 Scriptella,看看它是否能满足我的需求。到目前为止,它似乎是一个很棒的工具。我花了几个小时研究示例脚本、搜索论坛并尝试掌握嵌套查询/脚本的窍门。

这是我的 ETL 文件的一个示例,为简洁起见稍微清理了一下。添加以 # 开头的行,而不是实际 ETL 文件的一部分。我正在尝试插入/检索 ID,然后将它们传递给以后的脚本块。最有希望的方法似乎是使用全局变量,但在尝试检索值时我得到了 null。稍后,我将在脚本块中添加代码,在将字段添加到数据库之前解析和显着转换字段。

没有错误。我只是没有得到我期望的操作系统 ID 和类别 ID。先感谢您。

<!DOCTYPE etl SYSTEM "http://scriptella.javaforge.com/dtd/etl.dtd">
    <connection id="in" driver="csv" url="mycsvfile.csv"/>
    <connection id="dest" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pvm3" user="user" password="password"/>
    <connection id="js" driver="script"/>

    <query connection-id="in">
        <!-- all columns are selected, notably: OPERATINGSYSTEM, CATEGORY, QID, TITLE -->

        <query connection-id="dest">
            #Check to see if the OS already exists, and get the ID if it does
            select max(os_id) as os_id, count(*) as os_cnt from etl_os where os = ?OPERATINGSYSTEM;

            #If it doesnt exist then add it and get the auto_increment value
            <script if="os_cnt==0">
                insert into etl_os(os) values(?OPERATINGSYSTEM);

                <query connection-id="dest">
                    select last_insert_id() as os_id;

                    #Store in global so it can be accessed in later script blocks
                    <script connection-id="js">
                        etl.globals.put('os_id', os_id);

            #Same style select/insert as above for category_id (excluded for brevity)

            #See if KB record exists by qid, if not then add it with the OS ID and category ID we got earlier
            <query connection-id="dest">
                select max(qid) as existing_qid, count(*) as kb_cnt from etl_qids where qid = ?QID

                <script if="kb_cnt==0">
                    insert into etl_qids(qid, category_id, os_id) values (?QID, ?{etl.globals.get('category_id')}, ?{etl.globals.get('os_id')});



1 回答 1



(查询)原始数据 -> (查询)操作数据 -> (脚本)写入新数据。

.. in is a CSV file ..
.. js is a driver="script" block ..

<query connection-id="in">
    <query connection-id="js">
        //transform data as needed here
        if (BASE_TYPE == '-') BASE_TYPE = '0';
        if (SECONDARY_TYPE == '-') SECONDARY_TYPE = '0';
        SIZES = SIZES.toLowerCase();

        query.next(); //call nested scripts

        <script connection-id="db">
            INSERT IGNORE INTO sizes(size) VALUES (?SIZE);
            INSERT IGNORE INTO test(base_type,secondary_type) VALUES (?BASE_TYPE, ?SECONDARY_TYPE);

于 2015-03-16T21:25:34.183 回答