我有一个小的 perl 脚本,它在 cygwin 终端中执行并打印出一个格式化的表格。在默认窗口大小上,如果文本太长,cygwin 将插入一个换行符,从而破坏我的表格格式。我的 perl 脚本有没有办法将 cygwin 窗口设置为更大的大小以避免这种问题?


3 回答 3



$ /cygdrive/c/tools/cygwin/bin/mintty.exe --help
Usage: mintty [OPTION]... [ PROGRAM [ARG]... | - ]

Start a new terminal session running the specified program or the user's shell.
If a dash is given instead of a program, invoke the shell as a login shell.

  -c, --config FILE     Load specified config file (cf. -C or -o ThemeFile)
  -e, --exec ...        Treat remaining arguments as the command to execute
  -h, --hold never|start|error|always  Keep window open after command finishes
  -p, --position X,Y    Open window at specified coordinates
  -p, --position center|left|right|top|bottom  Open window at special position
  -p, --position @N     Open window on monitor N
  -s, --size COLS,ROWS  Set screen size in characters (also COLSxROWS)
  -s, --size maxwidth|maxheight  Set max screen size in given dimension
  -t, --title TITLE     Set window title (default: the invoked command) (cf. -T)
  -w, --window normal|min|max|full|hide  Set initial window state
  -i, --icon FILE[,IX]  Load window icon from file, optionally with index
  -l, --log FILE|-      Log output to file or stdout
      --nobidi|--nortl  Disable bidi (right-to-left support)
  -o, --option OPT=VAL  Set/Override config file option with given value
  -B, --Border frame|void  Use thin/no window border
  -R, --Reportpos s|o   Report window position (short/long) after exit
      --nopin           Make this instance not pinnable to taskbar
  -D, --daemon          Start new instance with Windows shortcut key
  -H, --help            Display help and exit
  -V, --version         Print version information and exit
See manual page for further command line options and configuration.
于 2016-12-19T03:18:00.280 回答

如果您使用 mintty 作为终端仿真器(过去几年它一直是 Cygwin 的默认终端仿真器),您可以使用ANSI 转义码来操作终端。

您可以通过运行以下 Perl 代码片段来更改终端仿真器窗口的大小来对此进行测试:

# If terminal supports ANSI escape sequences
$lines = 80;
$columns = 100;
print "\e[8;$lines;${columns}t";



ANSI 转义序列的语法不是最容易阅读的,但这里是提供上述序列基础的文档。

\e打印一个开始 ANSI 转义序列的转义字符。这也称为控制序列引入器 (CSI)

以 结尾的具体序列t来自这个xterm 控制序列列表

CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t
          Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions).
          These controls may be disabled using the allowWindowOps
          resource.  Valid values for the first (and any additional
          parameters) are:
Ps = 8  ;  height ;  width -> Resize the text area to given
          height and width in characters.  Omitted parameters reuse the
          current height or width.  Zero parameters use the display's
          height or width.
于 2015-02-27T15:34:23.507 回答

你甚至不需要 Perl,你可以在 Bash 中做同样的事情:

echo -en "\e[8;35;100t";


# minsize - A TTY re-size escape sequence for use with mintty Cygwin
# Usage: minsize <width> <height>
echo -en "\e[8;${HEIGHT};${WIDTH}t";

请注意,在其他 *nixes 上ttysize可用。

于 2015-03-07T15:34:21.253 回答