我昨天更新了所有的包,现在我在 sqldf 包中遇到了一个错误:

sqldf("select * from dt")
        Error in if (.allows_extensions(db)) { : 
        missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

我尝试使用 checkpoint() 来访问所有执行正确但再次失败的包的现有版本:

       Scanning for loaded pkgs
       Scanning for packages used in this project
       Installing packages used in this project 

        There are binary versions available (and will be installed) but the
        source versions are later:
        Error in data.frame(binary = binvers, source = srcvers, row.names = bins,  : 
         duplicate row.names: downloader, sqldf, survey, plyr, ggplot2,scales, mapproj, RColorBrewer, maptools, raster, rgeos, fields, mgcv, stringr, spatstat, rgdal, RSQLite, MonetDB.R, RCurl, car, tree, ROCR, rattle, rpart, caret, randomForest, RODBC, reshape2, MASS, epiR, faraway, ggmap, maps, xlsx,  pROC, colorspace, quantmod, R2wd, checkpoint



1 回答 1


将 R 版本升级到 3.1.1 后问题得到解决。可能是某些包升级与早期版本的 R 不兼容。

于 2015-03-02T02:27:51.400 回答