我想检查进程 'sshd' 是否在用户 'ladmin' 上运行,如果是,则从我的用户 'patrick' 中将其杀死。我也是管理员。


tell application "System Events"
    set ProcessList to name of every process
    if "sshd" is in ProcessList then
        set ThePID to unix id of process "sshd"
        do shell script "kill -KILL " & ThePID with administrator privileges
    end if
end tell

我的问题是ProcessList它只包含我用户的进程。此外,它也只包含某些进程,包括我所有的应用程序和系统事件和 Dock。即使进程 sshd 在我的用户上,它也不会显示。



1 回答 1



而不是使用set ProcessList to name of every process. 改为使用 shell 脚本作为 root。

set kill_pid to do shell script "ps ax | grep sshd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" password "<PASSWORD>" with administrator privileges

但这会引发一个问题,因为当有人使用 SSH 远程访问您的计算机时,三个不同的用户会运行 sshd 进程。



此外,用户 _sshd 会在大约十到二十秒后消失。



set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        if length of kill_pid > 5 then
            set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        end if

总体上还有更多的问题。如果我希望脚本继续检查 sshd 而不仅仅是一次我必须将整个程序放入一个循环中。虽然,当进程 sshd 没有运行时,这:

set kill_pid to do shell script "ps ax | grep sshd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" password "<password>" with administrator privileges


这也是一个非常简单的修复,您所要做的就是使用try. 在上下文中,这看起来像这样:

        set kill_pid to do shell script "ps ax | grep sshd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" password "<password>" with administrator privileges
        set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        if length of kill_pid > 5 then
            set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        end if
    end try
end repeat

最后一个问题是重复此操作会导致脚本占用我 400% 的 CPU 中的 127%。


delay 1


        set kill_pid to do shell script "ps ax | grep sshd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" password "<PASSWORD>" with administrator privileges
        set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        if length of kill_pid > 5 then
            set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        end if
        if kill_pid is equal to "" then
        end if
        if kill_pid is not equal to "" and length of kill_pid is equal to 5 then
            tell application "System Events"
                set question to display dialog "Do you want SSH to be running right now?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2
                set answer to button returned of question
                if answer is equal to "No" then
                    do shell script "kill -KILL " & kill_pid password "<PASSWORD>" with administrator privileges
                end if
                if answer is equal to "Yes" then
                    set wait to display dialog "Press OK when you are done running SSH. Or click Stop to stop checking for SSH." buttons {"Stop", "OK"} default button 2
                    set ok to button returned of wait
                    if ok is equal to "OK" then
                    end if
                    if ok is equal to "Stop" then
                        exit repeat
                    end if
                end if
            end tell
        end if
    end try
    delay 1
end repeat







复制 (Command+c) 一张图像。




单击小图标(它应该以蓝色突出显示)并粘贴(Command + v)复制的图片。


现在您有一个应用程序可以检查您计算机上运行的任何 SSH!



我添加了一项功能,以便您可以查看通过 SSH 连接到您的计算机的 IP。


        set kill_pid to do shell script "ps ax | grep sshd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" password "PASSWORD" with administrator privileges
        set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        if length of kill_pid > 5 then
            set kill_pid to do shell script "echo '" & kill_pid & "'| cut -c 7-"
        end if
        if kill_pid is equal to "" then
        end if
        if kill_pid is not equal to "" and length of kill_pid is equal to 5 then
            tell application "System Events"
                set userset to do shell script ("w")
                set question to display dialog "Do you want SSH to be running right now?" buttons {"Show Users", "No", "Yes"} default button 3
                set answer to button returned of question
                if answer is equal to "Show Users" then
                    set userset to do shell script "echo '" & userset & "'| cut -c 56-"
                    set question2 to display dialog "Current users:
                " & userset buttons {"Stop SSH", "Run SSH"} default button 2
                    set answer2 to button returned of question2
                    if answer2 is equal to "Stop SSH" then
                        set answer to "No"
                    end if
                    if answer2 is equal to "Run SSH" then
                        set answer to "Yes"
                    end if
                end if
                if answer is equal to "No" then
                    do shell script "kill -KILL " & kill_pid password "PASSWORD" with administrator privileges
                end if
                if answer is equal to "Yes" then
                    set wait to display dialog "Press OK when you are done running SSH. Or click Stop to stop checking for SSH." buttons {"Stop", "OK"} default button 2
                    set ok to button returned of wait
                    if ok is equal to "OK" then
                    end if
                    if ok is equal to "Stop" then
                        exit repeat
                    end if
                end if
            end tell
        end if
    end try
    delay 1
end repeat
于 2015-02-27T19:41:04.553 回答