I've been trying to implement Joi in our node application (joi as standalone, not with hapi) and it seems to validate the schema properly but the error is always the same

[ValidationError: value must be an object] 
name: 'ValidationError',
[ { message: 'value must be an object',
   path: 'value',
   type: 'object.base',
   context: [Object] } ],

I never get the specifics on which key it failed on and description of why it failed.

this is a sample schema I'm using:

exports.workersSchema =
workers: joi.array({
    id: joi.string().alphanum(),
    wID: joi.object({
        idValue: joi.string().alphanum()
    person: {
        governmentIDs: joi.array({itemID: joi.string().alphanum()}),
        legalName: joi.object({
            givenName: joi.string(),
            middleName: joi.string(),
            preferredSalutations: joi.array(
                    salutationCode: {
                        longName: joi.string()

            preferredName: joi.object().keys({
                FormattedName: joi.string()
        birthDate: joi.string().alphanum()

And this is the json object I'm sending :

{"workers" : [        
          "id" : "",
          "wID" : {
            "idValue" : ""
          "person" : {
                "itemID": "asd" 
              "givenName" : "PA",
              "middleName" : "",
              "preferredSalutations" : [{
                "salutationCode" : {
                  "longName" : ""
              "preferredName" : {
                "FormattedName" : ""
              "birthDate" : ""

What am i doing wrong here? I even tried to follow something on the blog and while the examples were showing detailed info I never got anything besides

"value must be an object"

It validates it correctly but when it sees a misfit value it just gives that error and nothing else.

Also, if you look at the 'wID' section it has a 'idValue' object but when I get rid of the idValue and just put a alphanum right on the wID key, it also passes the validation.

ps. When validating keys that are objects. Do I have to validate it with

key: Joi.object({

or can I just do?:

key: {

Thank you so much for the help!


1 回答 1


I think there's a couple of issues. First of all, make sure that the object you're validating against is indeed an object with a workers key. The validation seems to be suggesting that you're not providing an object for this base value (an array perhaps)?

Also in a few instances I think you're using the API incorrectly (e.g. joi.array(...) is not valid). I've modified your schema to work how I think you intended. If not, post a sample object and I'll amend.

var schema = {
    workers: Joi.array().required().includes({
        id: Joi.string().alphanum(),
        wID: {
            idValue: Joi.string().alphanum()
        person: {
            governmentIDs: Joi.array().includes(Joi.string().alphanum()),
            legalName: {
                givenName: Joi.string(),
                middleName: Joi.string(),
                preferredSalutations: Joi.array().includes(Joi.string()),
                preferredName: {
                    formattedName: Joi.string()
            birthDate: Joi.string().alphanum()

Here's a valid object for that schema:

var goodExample = {
    workers: [
            id: 'bhdsf78473',
            wID: {
                idValue: 'idvalue1'
            person: {
                governmentIDs: ['id1', 'id2'],
                legalName: {
                    givenName: 'Johnny',
                    middleName: 'Michael',
                    preferredSalutations: ['sir', 'Dr'],
                    preferredName: {
                        formattedName: 'Sir Johnny Michael Smith'
                birthDate: '2411986'

Here's an invalid one:

var badExample = {
    workers: [
            id: 'bhdsf7^£$%^£$%8473',   // Here's the issue
            wID: {
            person: {
                governmentIDs: ['id1', 'id2'],
                legalName: {
                    givenName: 'Johnny',
                    middleName: 'Michael',
                    preferredSalutations: ['sir', 'Dr'],
                    preferredName: {
                        formattedName: 'Sir Johnny Michael Smith'
                birthDate: '2411986'

Joi should give nice detailed output for Joi.assert(example, schema);:

$ node index.js

            throw new Error(message + error.annotate());
Error: {
  "workers": [
      "wID": {},
      "person": {
        "governmentIDs": [
        "legalName": {
          "givenName": "Johnny",
          "middleName": "Michael",
          "preferredSalutations": [
          "preferredName": {
            "formattedName": "Sir Johnny Michael Smith"
        "birthDate": "2411986"
      "id" [1]: "bhdsf7^£$%^£$%8473"

[1] workers at position 0 fails because id must only contain alpha-numeric characters
    at root.assert (/.../node_modules/Joi/lib/index.js:121:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/.../index.js:57:5)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:929:3

NOTE: This answer is using Joi 5.1.2 (API: https://github.com/hapijs/joi/blob/v5.1.0/README.md). Joi.array().includes() will be dropped in the next release in favour of Joi.array().items()

The object that you posted is not a valid JavaScript object because it's missing some closing } brackets. Here's the valid version:

var obj = {
  "workers" : [{
    "id" : "",   // <-------- Shouldn't be empty
    "wID" : {
      "idValue" : ""
    "person" : {
        "itemID": "asd" 
        "givenName" : "PA",
        "middleName" : "",
        "preferredSalutations" : [{
          "salutationCode" : {
            "longName" : ""
        "preferredName" : {
          "FormattedName" : ""
      "birthDate" : ""

If I validate that with my provided schema, I get the following message (using Joi 5.1.0):

[1] workers at position 0 fails because id is not allowed to be empty
于 2015-02-26T18:15:23.783 回答