我正在 slurm 中提交一个玩具阵列作业。我的命令行是
$ sbatch -p development -t 0:30:0 -n 1 -a 1-2 j1
其中 j1 是脚本:
echo job id is $SLURM_JOB_ID
echo array job id is $SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID
echo task id id $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
--> Verifying valid submit host (login1)...OK
--> Verifying valid jobname...OK
--> Enforcing max jobs per user...OK
--> Verifying availability of your home dir (/home1/03400/myname)...OK
--> Verifying availability of your work dir (/work/03400/myname)...OK
--> Verifying availability of your scratch dir (/scratch/03400/myname)...OK
--> Verifying valid ssh keys...OK
--> Verifying access to desired queue (development)...OK
--> Verifying job request is within current queue limits...OK
--> Checking available allocation (PRJ-1234)...OK
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid job array specification
$ sbatch -p development -t 0:30:0 -n 1 j1