
I am studying LDAP server(ADLDS)

I figured out that extended operation is implemented in ldap server.

For example, oid( stands for whoami command.

If I give to ldap server, server would respond who the user is.

In this situation, I hope to make my own command with new oid.

How can I make this possible?

Thank you.


1 回答 1


一些 LDAP 目录服务器将允许您扩展它们并定义您自己的扩展操作。这需要代码和服务器内部的一些专业知识。如果你想走这条路,我强烈建议你考虑开源目录服务器,因为获得对代码的完全访问权限将使事情变得更容易。

于 2015-02-25T11:15:39.887 回答