Given the following expression, how do I go about getting a distinct list of venues, without getting that nasty "Expression type 'NhDistinctExpression' is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor." error?
public Dictionary<int, string> GetScheduledVenuesFuture()
var venues = from v in _sp.CurrentSessionOn(DatabaseName.MyDB).Query<Venue>()
join s in _sp.CurrentSessionOn(DatabaseName.MyDB).Query<ScheduledClass>()
on v.VenueId equals s.Venue.VenueId
where s.CourseDate >= _cac.Now
&& s.Closed == false
&& s.Canceled == false
select new
return venues.ToDictionary(v => v.VenueId, v => v.Name);
I've tried setting
return venues.ToDictionary(v => v.VenueId, v => v.Name);
as distinct by doing:
return venues.Distinct().ToDictionary(v => v.VenueId, v => v.Name);
but that throws the error. I also tried surrounding the entire query syntax statement in parens, and putting a .Distinct() at the end of it, but that also resulted in the same error.