
% state 1 is border of state 2
% borders(A , B). 
borders(sasktchewan, alberta).
borders(saskatchewan, manitoba).
borders(saskatchewan, nwt).
borders(alberta, british_columbia).
borders(alberta, saskatchewan).
borders(alberta, nwt).
borders(british_coumbia, yukon).
borders(british_coumbia, nwt).
borders(british_coumbia, alberta).
borders(nwt, saskatchewan).
borders(nwt, alberta).
borders(nwt, british_columbia).
borders(nwt, yukon).
borders(nwt, manitoba).
borders(manitoba, saskatchewan).
borders(manitoba, nwt).

route( A, B, [ go(A,B) ] ) :-   borders( A, B ). 
route( A, B, [ go(A,Z) | ZtoB ] ) :-   borders( A, Z ),   route( Z, B, ZtoB ).

1 回答 1


问题是你没有在你已经去过的地方记账。现在说你正在寻找从sasktchewanmanitoba。Prolog 会将其评估为:

(sasktchewan) <--------------
 `--(alberta)                \
     `--(british_columbia)   |
        |--(yukon) fail!     |
        `--(nwt)             |

现在,由于您不告诉 prolog 您不能进入循环,因此它将继续附加(sasktchewan) -> (alberta) -> (nwt)到路径并且永远找不到目标。


?- route(sasktchewan,manitoba,L).
L = [go(sasktchewan, alberta), go(alberta, saskatchewan), go(saskatchewan, manitoba)] ;
L = [go(sasktchewan, alberta), go(alberta, saskatchewan), go(saskatchewan, manitoba), go(manitoba, nwt), go(nwt, manitoba)] ;
L = [go(sasktchewan, alberta), go(alberta, saskatchewan), go(saskatchewan, nwt), go(nwt, manitoba)] ;
L = [go(sasktchewan, alberta), go(alberta, nwt), go(nwt, manitoba)] ;
L = [go(sasktchewan, alberta), go(alberta, nwt), go(nwt, saskatchewan), go(saskatchewan, manitoba)] ;
L = [go(sasktchewan, alberta), go(alberta, nwt), go(nwt, manitoba), go(manitoba, saskatchewan), go(saskatchewan, manitoba)] ;


%We start a route with being in city A
route(A, B, L) :-
    route(A, B,[A], L).

%In case we find a city with a border, don't hesitate and go to the city!
route( A, B,_,[go(A,B)]) :-
%Too bad, now looking for an extra city
route(A,B,Been,[go(A,Z)|ZtoB]) :-
    borders(A,Z), %hahaa, we can access city Z
    \+ member(Z,Been), %hold on! Did we already visit Z. No! we didn't
    route(Z,B,[Z|Been],ZtoB). %Log city Z and look for a root from Z to B

不是最优的:一旦访问城市a在一条路径上失败,如果您选择另一条路径到该城市,它也会失败。您可以使用non-bactrackable store 来维护您访问过的城市列表,以便将其转换为O(n 2 )算法。实施取决于方言。

于 2015-02-23T17:23:28.283 回答