I'm using elastic4s client that returns a Future in response to index request and when that future completes I still have to do Thread.sleep(1000) before I can query for that indexed record. Mostly it is exactly 1 second. Is there an elasticsearch setting that I can change so that when the Future completes the record will be available?

I tried to use the java client directly client.prepareIndex....execute().actionGet(); and it ends up exactly the same way, I have to call Thread.sleep(1000)

Is there any settings I can change for the record to be ready after the future completes?

execute(index into(foo, bar) id uuid fields baz).await
Thread.sleep(1000) // This is mandatory for search to find it
execute {search in foo}.await // returns empty without Thread.sleep(1000)

2 回答 2


听起来您可能必须等待默认索引刷新间隔生效,然后才能查询新索引的数据。刷新间隔默认为 1 秒,可通过以下方式更改

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/test/_settings -d '{
    "index" : {
        "refresh_interval" : "1s"
    } }'


curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/{index}/{type}/{id}?refresh=true' -d '{
  "property" : "value"
于 2015-02-22T23:31:09.427 回答

Russ 的回答是正确的,但我想补充一点关于 Scala 方面的信息。

当您进行索引操作时,future只要 Elasticsearch 集群处理完该命令,就会完成返回。这与文档可供搜索的时间不同。也就是说,正如 Russ 指出的那样,1 秒后(默认情况下)。

所以你的未来在 k 完成。您的文件可在 k+1sec 获得。

您可以在创建索引时调整刷新间隔,例如在 Elastic4s 中

create index "myindex" refreshInterval "200ms" mappings ...

在下一个版本中,您可以使用 Scala 持续时间,例如

create index "myindex" refreshInterval 200.millis mappings ...

但请注意,通过调整太多,您会删除刷新间隔带来的一些优化。如果您正在执行多个索引等,请查看批量 api。(在 Elastic4s 中,只需将您的调用包含在 中bulk(seq)

于 2015-02-23T05:04:12.533 回答