
// Compute camera radius to fit bounding sphere
// Implementation in C#
// Given a bounding box around your scene
BoundingBox bounds = new BoundingBox();
// Compute the centre point of the bounding box
// NOTE: The implementation for this is to take the mid-way point between
// two opposing corners of the bounding box
Vector3 center = bounds.Center;
// Find the corner of the bounding box which is maximum distance from the
// centre of the bounding box. Vector3.Distance computes the distance between
// two vectors. Select is just nice syntactic sugar to loop
// over Corners and find the max distance.
double boundSphereRadius = bounds.Corners.Select(x => Vector3.Distance(x, bounds.Center)).Max();
// Given the camera Field of View in radians
double fov = Math3D.DegToRad(FieldOfView);
// Compute the distance the camera should be to fit the entire bounding sphere
double camDistance = (boundSphereRadius * 2.0) / Math.Tan(fov / 2.0);
// Now, set camera.Target to bounds.Center
// set camera.Radius to camDistance
// Keep current forward vector the same
C# 中 BoundingBox 的实现如下所示。重点是 Center 和 Corners 属性。Vector3 是一个非常标准的 3 分量 (X,Y,Z) 向量实现
public struct BoundingBox
public Vector3 Vec0;
public Vector3 Vec1;
public BoundingBox(Vector3 vec0, Vector3 vec1)
Vec0 = vec0;
Vec1 = vec1;
public Vector3 Center
get { return (Vec0 + Vec1)*0.5; }
public IList<Vector3> Corners
Vector3[] corners = new[]
new Vector3( Vec0.X, Vec0.Y, Vec0.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec1.X, Vec0.Y, Vec0.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec0.X, Vec1.Y, Vec0.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec0.X, Vec0.Y, Vec1.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec1.X, Vec1.Y, Vec0.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec1.X, Vec0.Y, Vec1.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec0.X, Vec1.Y, Vec1.Z ),
new Vector3( Vec1.X, Vec1.Y, Vec1.Z ),
return corners;