
我有一个函数,它接受一个 json 对象,其内容可以是任何类型(字典、数组、字符串等)并根据类型修改对象。


error: '@lvalue $T6' is not identical to '(String, String)'


func foo (var item: AnyObject)  {
    // ... other logic that handles item of other types ...    

    // here I know for sure that item is of [String:String] type
    (item as? [String:String])?["name"] = "orange"
    // error: '@lvalue $T6' is not identical to '(String, String)'

var fruits = ["name": "apple", "color": "red"]

1 回答 1


即使按照 matt 的建议使用 inout,您也无法对其进行变异,但您可以克隆 AnyObject 并更改克隆本身并将其克隆回数组 fruits(使用 inout 时还需要包含 & 前缀范围:

var fruits:AnyObject = ["name": "apple", "color": "red"]

// var fruits:AnyObject = ["name":2, "color": 3]

func foo (inout fruits: AnyObject)  {
    // ... other logic that handles item of other types ...

    // here I know for sure that item is of [String:Int] type
    if fruits is [String:Int] {
        var copyItem = (fruits as [String:Int])
        copyItem["name"] = 5
        fruits = copyItem as AnyObject
    // here I know for sure that item is of [String:String] type
    if fruits is [String:String] {
        var copyItem = (fruits as [String:String])
        copyItem["name"] = "orange"
        fruits = copyItem as AnyObject


fruits  // ["color": "red", "name": "orange"]
于 2015-02-21T02:50:16.713 回答