试图从 Facebook 中提取头像,但似乎没有加载任何内容。我想我正确地访问了 Auth Hash。搜索没有想出太多。
def self.find_for_oauth(auth, signed_in_resource = nil)
# Get the identity and user if they exist
identity = Identity.find_for_oauth(auth)
# If a signed_in_resource is provided it always overrides the existing user
# to prevent the identity being locked with accidentally created accounts.
# Note that this may leave zombie accounts (with no associated identity) which
# can be cleaned up at a later date.
user = signed_in_resource ? signed_in_resource : identity.user
# Create the user if needed
if user.nil?
# Get the existing user by email if the provider gives us a verified email.
# If no verified email was provided we assign a temporary email and ask the
# user to verify it on the next step via UsersController.finish_signup
email_is_verified = auth.info.email && (auth.info.verified || auth.info.verified_email)
email = auth.info.email if email_is_verified
user = User.where(:email => email).first if email
avatar = auth.info.image
# Create the user if it's a new registration
if user.nil?
user = User.new(
name: auth.extra.raw_info.name,
username: auth.extra.raw_info.name || auth.uid,
email: email ? email : "#{TEMP_EMAIL_PREFIX}-#{auth.uid}-#{auth.provider}.com",
avatar: auth.info.image,
password: Devise.friendly_token[0,20]
<%= link_to user_path(user) do %>
<%= image_tag user.avatar.url || 'avatar.jpg', class: klass %>
<% end %>