
I have been trying to write rules to protect a website from DoS attacks and the website have only one page /index.php. However, each user is identified by an unique token like this /index.php?a=abcdef. This page sends a lot of ajax calls that gets and posts information, periodically, as long as the user is active in the page.


During a DoS attack, I need to block only the specific user using the token ?a=abcdef, which is dynamic. And the actual length of the token is around 45 characters, consisting of [a-zA-Z0-9]. The website is visited by either a single user or user group (more than 10 users) from an IP address. The problem is, during a DoS attack, when blocking the user, I need to take the token into consideration. However, as far as I understand, unless I use a dynamic variable like, tx.dos_counter_%{ARGS_GET}=+1, I may not be able to identify an user uniquely. But when I reference the variable like this,%{tx.dos_counter_%{ARGS_GET}} to retrieve the value of the dynamic variable, it returns null.


  1. Is it possible to use dynamic variables, as mentioned above, in ModSecurity?
  2. Is there any other way to handle this problem?


This website runs on LAMP stack (Ubuntu) with ModSecurity.

Please help me solve this issue.

Many thanks in advance.




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