




1 回答 1


下面是我创建的代码,可以测试是否可以按升序显示大于或等于指定值的节点的节点。有人可以查看我的代码并提出改进建议,如果可能的话,请推荐我如何为我的 LessThan 方法执行此操作。目前我的 LessThan 方法按降序返回,我只是看不到如何让它升序。干杯。

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetNodesGreaterThan
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** \fn void  RedBlackTree<T>::GetNodesGreaterThan(T &data)
 *  \brief This method checks to see if tree is empty otherwise calls the 
 *          recursive the GreaterThan method.
 *  \param templated
 *  \return void
template <class T>
void  RedBlackTree<T>::GetNodesGreaterThan(T &data)
    GreaterThan(m_root, data);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GreaterThan
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** \fn void RedBlackTree<T>::GreaterThan(NodeType<T> *p, const T &data) const
 *  \brief This method finds the nodes in the tree that are greater than  or equal to 
 *          a specified value and puts nodes into a list.
 *  \param templated pointer
 *  \param constant template
 *  \return void
template <class T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::GreaterThan(NodeType<T> *p, const T &data) const
    if ( p != NULL)                                         // we have hit a leaf node
        if ((p->m_data == data) || (data < p->m_data)){     // record the node whos value is
            GreaterThan(p->m_lLink, data);                  // move down left link
            //cout << p->m_data << " ";                     // Display data (debug purpose)
        GreaterThan(p->m_rLink, data);                      // move down right link 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetNodesLessThan
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** \fn void  RedBlackTree<T>::GetNodesLessThan(T &data)
 *  \brief This method checks to see if tree is empty otherwise calls the 
 *          recursive the LessThan method.
 *  \param template
 *  \return void
template <class T>
void  RedBlackTree<T>::GetNodesLessThan(T &data)
    ClearList();                                            // clears the node list
    LessThan(m_root, data);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LessThan
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** \fn void RedBlackTree<T>::LessThan(NodeType<T> *p, const T &data) const
 *  \brief This method finds the nodes in the tree that are less than  or equal to 
 *          a specified value and puts nodes into a list.
*  \param templated pointer
 *  \param constant template
template <class T>
void RedBlackTree<T>::LessThan(NodeType<T> *p, const T &data) const
    if ( p != NULL)
        if ((p->m_data == data) || (data > p->m_data)){     // record the node whos value is
            LessThan(p->m_rLink, data);                     // move down left link
            //cout << p->m_data << " ";                     // Display data (debug purpose)
            //m_list[m_countOfElements] = p->m_data;            // add to list
            //m_countOfElements++;                              // increment # of elements
        LessThan(p->m_lLink, data);                         // move down left link
于 2010-05-19T03:29:24.203 回答