I created a shell context extension using the SharpShell nuget package. I then used the ServerManager executable to help install/register my assembly, and it works.

The problem I am running into is that I have no idea where the app.config is installed. I have a user setting that I want to adjust, but I can't find the proper app.config file. Where exactly does the app.config get stored for shell extension assemblies?


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使用普通配置管理器,xxx.exe.config文件将在主(EXE)程序集所在的目录中读取,而不是 DLL。

如果有人想要一个 DLL 的配置,这会很困难。前段时间我偶然发现了这一点,我有一个基于 MS Access 的应用程序和许多其他库。其中一个需要一个配置文件。我们必须在 MS 访问应用程序目录中安装 msaccess.exe.config。不是很优雅。


另请参阅 在 SharpShell 从上下文菜单启动的程序中继承正确的 app.config

于 2015-02-17T08:27:21.147 回答