我们正在使用 JIRA 和 Agile Board,因此我们使用故事点来估计用户故事,而 JIRA 会注意烧毁。
在 sprint 结束时,我们不仅烧毁,而且还烧毁,有效的实际努力是这两者的总和。
我们正在使用 JIRA 和 Agile Board,因此我们使用故事点来估计用户故事,而 JIRA 会注意烧毁。
在 sprint 结束时,我们不仅烧毁,而且还烧毁,有效的实际努力是这两者的总和。
The simplest thing to do would be to create a search that returned the issue types you were interested in and then export the data to Excel. You could then generate the burn up chart that you want.
I should note that you are not using story points in the usual Scrum fashion. Bugs and tasks are not usually counted in the team's velocity. They represent an overhead which reduces the team's ability to deliver stories (which are where business value is added).
Remember that velocity is not a measure of work done. It is instead a metric used to help with estimating what the team's capacity for delivering business value is in future sprints.