
但是,当我测试升级并使用 DOM Inspector 检查标记时,主要XBL元素不会在当前打开的窗口中刷新 - 只有在新打开的窗口中,该XBL元素才会按预期表达。


而且,虽然我不必重新启动 Firefox,但打开一个新窗口以使升级更改生效仍然有点违背了拥有无需重新启动的附加组件的目的,对我来说。

Noitidart 提出的另一个问题似乎暗示了一个类似的问题,尽管 Noitidart 似乎使用了一种稍微不同的加载绑定规则的方法,所以我不完全确定我的问题是否完全相同。



const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;

const NSXUL            = 'http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul';
const URI_CSS_BINDINGS = 'chrome://slyzoom/content/bindings.css';

let ioService      = Cc[ '@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1' ].getService( Ci.nsIIOService );
let windowMediator = Cc[ '@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1' ].getService( Ci.nsIWindowMediator );

let styleSheetUri = ioService.newURI( URI_CSS_BINDINGS, null, null );

function startup( data, reason ) {

  let CustomizableUI = Cu.import( 'resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', {} ).CustomizableUI;

  // create the widget, this all works fine
  CustomizableUI.createWidget( {
    id: 'slyzoom',
    type: 'custom',
    defaultArea: null,
    onBuild: function( document ) {
      let window      = document.defaultView;
      let windowUtils = window.getInterface( Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils );

      // load the XBL bindings stylesheet in the window where my widget is being build
      windowUtils.loadSheet( styleSheetUri, Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET );

      let toolBarItemAttributes = {
        id: 'slyzoom',
        label: 'SlyZoom',
        title: 'SlyZoom',
        removable: 'true',
        overflows: false
      let toolBarItem = document.createElementNS( NSXUL, 'toolbaritem' );
      let slyZoom     = document.createElementNS( NSXUL, 'slyzoom' );

      for( let attributeName in toolBarItemAttributes ) {
        toolBarItem.setAttribute( attributeName, toolBarItemAttributes[ attributeName ] );
      toolBarItem.appendChild( slyZoom );

      let listener = {
        onWidgetInstanceRemoved: function( id, widgetDocument ) {
          if( id == this.id && widgetDocument == document ) {
            CustomizableUI.removeListener( listener );

            // unload the XBL bindings stylesheet from the window where my widget is being removed
            windowUtils.removeSheet( styleSheetUri, Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET );
        }.bind( this ),
      CustomizableUI.addListener( listener );

      return toolBarItem;
  } );

// I thought everything in here would be enough to force a reload in startup(), but apparently it isn't
function shutdown( data, reason ) {

  if( APP_SHUTDOWN == reason ) {

  let CustomizableUI = Cu.import( 'resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', {} ).CustomizableUI;

  // I thought this would destroy any DOM instance of my widget/XBL elements
  // and it actually does; I know this because I log messages
  // in the destructor of the XBL elements,
  // but this doesn't seem to be enough
  CustomizableUI.destroyWidget( 'slyzoom' );

  // unload the XBL bindings stylesheet from the every navigator window;
  // this doesn't do the job I expected it to do either
  let domWindows = windowMediator.getEnumerator( 'navigator:browser' );
  while( domWindows.hasMoreElements() ) {
    let domWindow   = domWindows.getNext();
    let windowUtils = domWindow.getInterface( Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils );
    windowUtils.removeSheet( styleSheetUri, Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET );



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