
I do not want to accept payments from my app so I do not need the Commerce API but I am having trouble authenticating via an iOS app without being able to define custom url schemes in the "Redirect URL" field.

According to Square's API documentation, OAuth is the only authentication scheme available however it restricts the "Redirect URL" to http://localhost or https:// only.

Most OAuth implementations allow defining custom schemes yourapp://oauth-callback instead of just using https://oauth-callback to implement this sort of flow on mobile devices (at least on Apple devices).


1 回答 1


当前无法使用不使用该https://方案的重定向 URL 完成 OAuth 流程(URL 除外http://localhost)。

我已向 API 工程团队提交了功能请求。

于 2015-02-17T22:03:30.210 回答