正如标题所说,Vim 没有正确显示颜色方案。在某些配色方案中,背景颜色会发生变化,但文本颜色始终保持白色/灰色。正如标题所说,我正在运行 zsh 和 Terminator 以及 Manjaro Linux,如果这对它有任何影响的话。

其他帖子建议我放入[[ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]] && export TERM=xterm-256color我的~/.zshrc文件和set t_Co=256我的~/.vimrc文件中,但这对我不起作用。还有什么可能导致 vim 以这种方式行事?


set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required

" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')

" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'

Plugin 'morhetz/gruvbox'

" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required
" To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use:
"filetype plugin on
" Brief help
" :PluginList       - lists configured plugins
" :PluginInstall    - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate
" :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache
" :PluginClean      - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal
" see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ
" Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line
set t_Co=256

1 回答 1


要确保您的 xterm 编译时支持 256 色,请尝试运行此颜色测试 shell 脚本。

# colortest256.sh - output a color test page

clear=$(printf "\033[m")
bg=$(printf "\033[48;5;")
fg=$(printf "\033[38;5;")
bd=$(printf "\033[1m")

printf "The 16 ${bd}system colors:$clear\n"
for color in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do
  printf "$bg${color}m$fg%dm%3d" $((color % 4 ? 0 : 15)) $color
  test $color = 7 && printf "$clear${fg}0m\n"
printf "$clear\n\n"

printf "The 6x6x6 color cube:\n"
for g in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do
  for r in 0 1 2; do
    for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do
      : $((color = 16 + r * 36 + g * 6 + b))
      printf "$bg${color}m$fg%dm%3d$clear" $((g > 2 ? 0 : 15)) $color
      test $b -lt 5 && printf ' '
    printf "$clear"
    test $r -lt 2 && printf '|'
  printf "\n"
printf '%s\n' "-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------"

for g in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do
  for r in 3 4 5; do
    for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do
      : $((color = 16 + r * 36 + g * 6 + b))
      printf "$bg${color}m$fg%dm%3d$clear" $((g > 2 ? 0 : 15)) $color
      test $b -lt 5 && printf ' '
    test $r -lt 5 && printf '|'
    printf "$clear"
  printf "\n"
printf "\n"

printf "The neutral step wedge:\n";
for color in 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243; do
  printf "$bg${color}m${fg}15m%4d" $color
printf "$clear\n"
for color in 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255; do
  printf "$bg${color}m${fg}0m%4d" $color
printf "$clear\n"

如果这工作正常,我们将看看你的 vim 配置。


" The cterm color numbers refer to XTerm colors in 256 color mode.
" Map from cterm colors to #RGB using <URL:https://gist.github.com/719710>.
" To turn off bold, italic, use cterm=NONE and gui=NONE.
" Normal must be set before colors "fg" and "bg" can be used.
highlight Normal ctermfg=216 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ffaf87 guibg=#121212

" pink        C 'c'
highlight Character
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=211     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#ff87af   guibg=bg
" gray        This comment.
highlight Comment
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=250     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=italic      guifg=#bcbcbc   guibg=bg
highlight ColorColumn
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=234
\ gui=NONE        guifg=fg        guibg=#1c1c1c
" blue        if/then/else/fi.
highlight Conditional
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=27      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#005fff   guibg=bg
" light green Numbers and quoted strings.
highlight Constant
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=82      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5fff00   guibg=bg
highlight Cursor
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=black   ctermbg=red
\ gui=NONE        guifg=black     guibg=red
highlight CursorColumn
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=7       ctermbg=97
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#c0c0c0   guibg=#875faf
highlight DiffAdd
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=8       ctermbg=24
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#808080   guibg=#005f5f
highlight DiffChange
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=8       ctermbg=56
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#808080   guibg=#5f00d7
highlight DiffDelete
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=8       ctermbg=88
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#808080   guibg=#870000
highlight DiffText
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=8       ctermbg=90
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#808080   guibg=#870087
highlight Directory
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=75      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5fafff   guibg=bg
" Status line.
highlight Error
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=196     ctermbg=234
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#ff0000   guibg=black
highlight ErrorMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=172     ctermbg=black
\ gui=NONE        guifg=orange    guibg=black
highlight Folded
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=112     ctermbg=235
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87d700   guibg=#262626
highlight FoldColumn
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=112     ctermbg=235
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87d700   guibg=#262626
" green       Function names (has()).
highlight Function
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=46      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00ff00   guibg=bg
" light yellow Names.
highlight Identifier
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=139     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#af87af   guibg=bg
highlight Include
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=50      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00ffd7   guibg=bg
highlight LineNr
\ cterm=italic    ctermfg=244     ctermbg=237
\ gui=italic      guifg=#808080   guibg=#3a3a3a
highlight Macro
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=150     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#afd787   guibg=bg
" --More--
highlight MoreMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=123     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ffff   guibg=#444444
" --INSERT--
highlight ModeMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=123     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ffff   guibg=#444444
" Tilde and @ at the end of the window.
highlight NonText
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=cyan    ctermbg=bg
\ gui=bold        guifg=cyan      guibg=bg
highlight Operator
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=129     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#af00ff   guibg=bg
" Completion Popup menu
highlight PmenuSbar
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=216
\ gui=NONE        guifg=fg        guibg=#ffaf87
highlight PmenuThumb
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=127
\ gui=NONE        guifg=fg        guibg=#af00af
highlight Pmenu
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=241     ctermbg=223
\ gui=NONE        guifg=fg        guibg=#ffd7af
highlight PmenuSel
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=55      ctermbg=133
\ gui=NONE        guifg=fg        guibg=#af5f5f
" medium blue #if/#else/#endif ${foo}
highlight PreProc
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=75      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5fafff   guibg=bg
" Hit-enter and yes/no questions.
highlight Question
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=green   ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=green     guibg=bg
highlight Search
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=153     ctermbg=237
\ gui=NONE        guifg=cyan      guibg=gray10
" violet      <F11>, printf %s, `cmd`
highlight Special
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=125     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=bold        guifg=#af005f   guibg=bg
" violet      <F11> in map
highlight SpecialKey
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=135     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#af5fff   guibg=bg
highlight SpellBad
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=88      ctermbg=140
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#870000   guibg=#af87d7
highlight SpellCap
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=88      ctermbg=138
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#870000   guibg=#af8787
highlight SpellLocal
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=118     ctermbg=236
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ff00   guibg=#303030
highlight SpellRare
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=19      ctermbg=75
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#0000af   guibg=#5fafff
" light blue  Keywords (highlight).
highlight Statement
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=44      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00d7d7   guibg=bg
highlight StatusLine
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=41      ctermbg=239
\ gui=bold        guifg=#00d75f   guibg=#4e4e4e
highlight StatusLineNC
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=245     ctermbg=239
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#8a8a8a   guibg=#4e4e4e
" olive       static, const, volatile
highlight StorageClass
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=98      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#875fd7   guibg=bg
" green       ''foo''
highlight String
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=35      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00af5f   guibg=bg
" titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
highlight Title
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=123     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ffff   guibg=#444444
highlight Todo
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=161     ctermbg=181
\ gui=bold        guifg=#d7005f   guibg=#d7afaf
" light pink int, long, ... ctermfg
highlight Type
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=170     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#d75fd7   guibg=bg
" gray        Visual selection
highlight Visual
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=215     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=burlywood guibg=gray30
" gray        Visual selection
highlight VisualNOS
\ ctermfg=215     ctermbg=238     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5090c0   guibg=gray30
highlight WarningMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=green   ctermbg=black
\ gui=NONE        guifg=green     guibg=black
highlight WildMenu
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=23      ctermbg=148
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#005f5f   guibg=#afd700
于 2015-02-15T18:18:39.467 回答