
I was 100% positive that I covered all ground in terms of deleting memory from the heap before it was lost, but valgrind seems to disagree. Any help with finding the leak in the following code would be greatly appreciated! I can't seem to figure out what's causing it

                    Card * S = new Card[subsetSize];
                    Card * M = nullptr;
                    int subsetPrice = 0, subsetProfit = 0;
                    for(int i = 0; i < subsetSize; i++){
                            S[i] = problemCards[cardIndexesToAdd[i]];
                            subsetPrice += S[i].getPrice();
                            subsetProfit += S[i].getProfit();

                    // Evaluate the subset's cost and profit
                    if(subsetPrice <= maxToSpend){
                            if(subsetProfit > maxProfit){
                                    maxProfit = subsetProfit;
                                    if(M != nullptr)
                                            delete[] M;
                                    M = S;
                                    S = nullptr;
                                    mSize = subsetSize;
                            if(S != nullptr){
                                    delete[] S;
                                    S = nullptr;
                    // output code for M
                    if(M != nullptr)
                        delete[] M;

4 回答 4



  1. 为 S 分配内存。将 M 设置为指向 null。

    Card * S = new Card[subsetSize];
    Card * M = nullptr;
  2. 如果满足条件 A (subsetPrice <= maxToSpend),并且满足条件 B (subsetProfit > maxProfit),则交换 M 指向为 S 分配的内存,并将 S 指向 null。

    if (subsetPrice <= maxToSpend){
        if (subsetProfit > maxProfit){
            maxProfit = subsetProfit;
            if (M != nullptr)
                delete[] M;
            M = S;
            S = nullptr;
            mSize = subsetSize;
  3. 如果条件 A 不满足,则释放 S 指向的内存。

        if(S != nullptr){
            delete[] S;
            S = nullptr;
  4. 释放 M 指向的内存。

    if(M != nullptr)
        delete[] M;

因此,如果条件 A 满足,但条件 B 不满足,则 S 既不会被释放,也不会转移到 M!内存泄漏。

于 2015-02-14T01:24:51.490 回答

S你在(subsetPrice <= maxToSpend) == truebut时泄漏(subsetProfit > maxProfit) == false

于 2015-02-14T01:20:09.797 回答



std::vector<Card> subset(subsetSize);

for (int i=0; i<subsetSize; i++) {
    subsetPrice += subset.back().getPrice();
    subsetProfit += subset.back().getProfit();

if (subsetProfit > maxProfit && subsetPrice < maxPrice) { 
    maxSubset = std::move(subset);
    maxProfit = subsetProfit;

// code to print out maxSubset goes here

如果您想走得更远,您可以使用(例如)Boost 间接迭代器来代替您的cardIndexesToAdd. 这将使您可以将标准算法直接应用于您关心的子集。有了这个,你可以很容易地避免复制当前子集——你只需使用indirect_iterator 就地迭代原始集合。

您还可以定义一个operator+forCard来对 Price 和 Profit 字段求和:

Card operator+(Card const &left, Card const &right) { 
    return Card(left.price+right.price, left.profit+right.profit);


Card subset_stats = std::accumulate(subset.begin(), subset.end(), Card());


// Assuming we care primarily about maximizing profit, secondarily about
// price, so if one subset produces more profit, it's better. If they produce
// the same profit, the lower cost wins.
bool operator<(Card const &a, Card const &b) { 
    if (a.profit == b.profit)
       return a.price < b.price;
    return b.profit < a.profit;

有了它,我们可以Card直接比较 s,比如:if (a < b) ..并得到有意义的结果。

于 2015-02-14T02:02:16.247 回答


对于内存不足的new ,不需要检查 nullptr 。谢谢@jerry-coffin

您所有的 delete [] 都在 if () 或嵌套的 if () 语句中。如果泄漏,您错过了添加带有 delete [] 的 else 并且您缺少 else 语句。

这似乎是一个片段,但实际上,我看不出 M 或其分配 S 的原因。您可能应该考虑在最后进行一次删除。

于 2015-02-14T01:38:39.340 回答