我正在试验 WatchKit,我正在尝试完成一些可能很明显但我似乎无法弄清楚如何做的事情。
这可能吗?我也明白我不能在按钮操作的同时调用 didSelectRowAtIndex。
我正在试验 WatchKit,我正在尝试完成一些可能很明显但我似乎无法弄清楚如何做的事情。
这可能吗?我也明白我不能在按钮操作的同时调用 didSelectRowAtIndex。
您需要将您的 InterfaceController 连接到您的按钮,然后调用适当的方法。最好通过委托或使用选择器将其解耦,但如果需要,您可以直接通过接口控制器。
这假设您将 WKInterfaceTable 对象连接到接口控制器中的属性表。
//In your interface controller
- (void)loadTableData
NSInteger numRows = <CALC_NUM_ROWS>;
[self.table setNumberOfRows:num withRowType:@"<MY_ROW_TYPE>"];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
MyRowController *row = [self.table rowControllerAtIndex:i];
//Here is where you want to wire your interface controller to your row
//You will need to add this method to your row class
[row addSelectionTarget:self action:@selector(myMethodToCall)];
- (void) myMethodToCall
//Do something in your interface controller when a button is selection
//Now in your MyRowController
-(void)addSelectionTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action
//You will need to add properties for these.
self.selectionTarget = target;
self.selectionAction = action;
//Call this when you want to call back to your interface controller
- (void)fireSelectionAction
[self.selectionTarget performSelector:self.selectionAction];
//Or to do it without warnings on ARC
IMP imp = [self.selectionTarget methodForSelector:self.selectionAction];
void (*func)(id, SEL) = (void *)imp;
func(self.selectionTarget, self.selectionAction);
在您的界面控制器(不是行控制器;它必须是 WKInterfaceController 子类)中,实现以下方法:
- (void)table:(WKInterfaceTable *)table didSelectRowAtIndex:(NSInteger)rowIndex
NSLog(@"You tapped the row at index %d", rowIndex);