I am trying to allow users of my app to share contents from my apps on their social timelines and within their chat messenger apps. Recently I came up with the fact that BBM is actually one of the most common messenger apps in my target countries. Therefore that integration is majorly important in my case. I found some posts around about the URL scheme of BBM on iOS, however nothing really useful as there is not a sound documentation for it at all. I even wonder whether there is a solution through their API using and SDK or alike.

I am much thankful for any help on this topic!


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您可以使用草稿消息调用 BBM 以供用户发送,这在适用于 iOS、BlackBerry 10 和 Android 的 BBM 上受支持。我最近在 BlackBerry Developer Blog 上写了一篇关于此的博文。您可以在此处找到所有详细信息:

与 BBM 跨平台共享

于 2015-02-17T13:12:46.317 回答