我不明白为什么我从verifier.port25.com使用 dkim 失败。我尝试了 5-6 次使用私有和公共 DNS 记录生成新的 dkim 密钥。

我的邮件服务器是hmailserver 版本 5.6-1B2208

我的域是 searchwar.dk 和选择器“dkim._domainkey.searchwar.dk”。

我尝试通过 openssl 和http://www.port25.com/support/domainkeysdkim-wizard/https://www.socketlabs.com/domainkey-dkim-generation-wizard/等在线生成器生成我自己的 dkim 密钥。根本不工作。如果您需要我的服务器提供的更多信息,请询问。

hmailserver dkim 设置: 选择器:dkim

私钥文件:C:\Program Files (x86)\hMailServer\Externals\CA\dkim-key-searchwar.pem








verifier.port25.com 响应:

his message is an automatic response from Port25's authentication verifier
service at verifier.port25.com.  The service allows email senders to perform
a simple check of various sender authentication mechanisms.  It is provided
free of charge, in the hope that it is useful to the email community.  While
it is not officially supported, we welcome any feedback you may have at

Thank you for using the verifier,

The Port25 Solutions, Inc. team

Summary of Results
SPF check:          pass
DomainKeys check:   neutral
DKIM check:         fail
Sender-ID check:    pass
SpamAssassin check: ham


HELO hostname:  mail.kimdamdev.dk
Source IP:
mail-from:      kim@searchwar.dk

SPF check details:
Result:         pass
ID(s) verified: smtp.mailfrom=kim@searchwar.dk
DNS record(s):
    searchwar.dk. SPF (no records)
    searchwar.dk. 86400 IN TXT "v=spf1 mx include:kimdamdev.dk ~all"
    searchwar.dk. 86400 IN MX 10 mail.kimdamdev.dk.
    mail.kimdamdev.dk. 77388 IN A

DomainKeys check details:
Result:         neutral (message not signed)
ID(s) verified: header.From=kim@searchwar.dk
DNS record(s):

DKIM check details:
Result:         fail (wrong body hash: expected GfHcUrS2Mx51KGPEIXNr479RXIc=)
ID(s) verified:
Canonicalized Headers:

Canonicalized Body:

DNS record(s):

NOTE: DKIM checking has been performed based on the latest DKIM specs
(RFC 4871 or draft-ietf-dkim-base-10) and verification may fail for
older versions.  If you are using Port25's PowerMTA, you need to use
version 3.2r11 or later to get a compatible version of DKIM.

Sender-ID check details:
Result:         pass
ID(s) verified: header.From=kim@searchwar.dk
DNS record(s):
    searchwar.dk. SPF (no records)
    searchwar.dk. 86400 IN TXT "v=spf1 mx include:kimdamdev.dk ~all"
    searchwar.dk. 86400 IN MX 10 mail.kimdamdev.dk.
    mail.kimdamdev.dk. 77388 IN A

SpamAssassin check details:
SpamAssassin v3.4.0 (2014-02-07)

Result:         ham  (0.3 points, 5.0 required)

pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
0.0 URIBL_BLOCKED          ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked.
                             for more information.
                            [URIs: avast.com]
0.8 DKIM_ADSP_ALL          No valid author signature, domain signs all mail
-0.0 SPF_PASS               SPF: sender matches SPF record
-1.9 BAYES_00               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1%
                            [score: 0.0000]
0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
1.1 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_16     BODY: HTML: images with 1200-1600 bytes of words
0.0 MIME_QP_LONG_LINE      RAW: Quoted-printable line longer than 76 chars
0.1 DKIM_SIGNED            Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid
0.1 HTML_SHORT_LINK_IMG_3  HTML is very short with a linked image
0.0 T_DKIM_INVALID         DKIM-Signature header exists but is not valid

Explanation of the possible results (from RFC 5451)

SPF and Sender-ID Results

      No policy records were published at the sender's DNS domain.

      The sender's ADMD has asserted that it cannot or does not
      want to assert whether or not the sending IP address is authorized
      to send mail using the sender's DNS domain.

      The client is authorized by the sender's ADMD to inject or
      relay mail on behalf of the sender's DNS domain.

     The client is authorized to inject or relay mail on behalf
      of the sender's DNS domain according to the authentication
      method's algorithm, but local policy dictates that the result is

      This client is explicitly not authorized to inject or
      relay mail using the sender's DNS domain.

      The sender's ADMD believes the client was not authorized
      to inject or relay mail using the sender's DNS domain, but is
      unwilling to make a strong assertion to that effect.

      The message could not be verified due to some error that
      is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary inability to
      retrieve a policy record from DNS.  A later attempt may produce a
      final result.

      The message could not be verified due to some error that
      is unrecoverable, such as a required header field being absent or
      a syntax error in a retrieved DNS TXT record.  A later attempt is
      unlikely to produce a final result.

DKIM and DomainKeys Results

      The message was not signed.

      The message was signed, the signature or signatures were
      acceptable to the verifier, and the signature(s) passed
      verification tests.

      The message was signed and the signature or signatures were
      acceptable to the verifier, but they failed the verification

      The message was signed but the signature or signatures were
      not acceptable to the verifier.

      The message was signed but the signature or signatures
      contained syntax errors or were not otherwise able to be
      processed.  This result SHOULD also be used for other
      failures not covered elsewhere in this list.

      The message could not be verified due to some error that
      is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary inability
      to retrieve a public key.  A later attempt may produce a
      final result.

      The message could not be verified due to some error that
      is unrecoverable, such as a required header field being
      absent. A later attempt is unlikely to produce a final result.

Original Email

Return-Path: <kim@searchwar.dk>
Received: from mail.kimdamdev.dk ( by verifier.port25.com id hrj4ao20i3gc for <check-auth@verifier.port25.com>; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:37:16 -0500 (envelope-from <kim@searchwar.dk>)
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=kim@searchwar.dk
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; domainkeys=neutral (message not signed) header.From=kim@searchwar.dk
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; dkim=fail (wrong body hash: expected GfHcUrS2Mx51KGPEIXNr479RXIc=)
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; sender-id=pass header.From=kim@searchwar.dk
dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; d=searchwar.dk; s=dkim;
c=relaxed/relaxed; q=dns/txt; h=From:Subject:Date:Message-ID:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type;
Received: from kim (0x5552f0ae.adsl.cybercity.dk []) by mail.kimdamdev.dk
with ESMTPA ; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 16:37:07 +0100
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 16:37:10 +0100
From: "kim@searchwar.dk" <kim@searchwar.dk>
To: check-auth <check-auth@verifier.port25.com>
Subject: test
X-Priority: 3
X-GUID: 0938D891-B72C-4DBD-9D82-FA9351576241
X-Has-Attach: no
X-Mailer: Foxmail 7, 2, 5, 140[en]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <2015021216371010202415@searchwar.dk>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_001_NextPart388608083378_=----"
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 150212-0, 02/12/2015), Outbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



Denne e-mail blev kontrolleret for virusser af Avast antivirussoftware.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"><style>body { line-height: 1.5; }body { font-family: 'Segoe UI'; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.5; }</style></head><body>
<div><br></div><hr style=3D"width: 210px; height: 1px;" color=3D"#b5c4df" size=3D"1" align=3D"left">
<div><span><div style=3D"MARGIN: 10px; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"><div>kim@searchwar.dk</div></div></span></div>

<br /><br />
<hr style=3D'border:none; color:#909090; background-color:#B0B0B0; height: 1px; width: 99%;' />
<table style=3D'border-collapse:collapse;border:none;'>
<td style=3D'border:none;padding:0px 15px 0px 8px'>
<a href=3D"http://www.avast.com/">
<img border=3D0 src=3D"http://static.avast.com/emails/avast-mail-stamp.png" />
<p style=3D'color:#3d4d5a; font-family:"Calibri","Verdana","Arial","Helvetica"; font-size:12pt;'>
Denne e-mail blev kontrolleret for virusser af Avast antivirussoftware.
<br><a href=3D"http://www.avast.com/">www.avast.com</a>
<br />
<div class=3D"sender person">
<b>Med venlig hilsen</b><br />
Kim Dam Gronhoj<br />
Mobil: +45 25363897<br />
E-mail:<a href=3D"maito:Kim@Searchwar.dk"> Kim@Searchwar.dk</a><br />
<br />
Adresse:<br />
Mollevej 4, 1<br />
9400 Norresundby<br />
<br />
Linkedin:<br />
<a href=3D"https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimdg>https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimdg</a>

- You dont want emails from us: <a href=3D"http://kimdamdev.dk/unsubscribe.html">Unsubscribe</a>

1 回答 1


我找到了解决方案。在 hmailserver 中,重要的是您的服务器不要在“SMTP”协议的“RFC 合规性”选项卡下允许“格式不正确的行尾”。

- 但是,当您启用此功能时,服务器将不允许发送格式错误的电子邮件。

我的电子邮件客户端 Foxmail 的 LF 有问题

于 2015-02-12T19:44:12.350 回答