I have this HTML:

  <object id="post" data="post/Requirement Process Narative.html" type="text/html"> </object>

I want Google to index the keywords from the file Requirement Process Narative.html also.

That is if Requirement Process Narative.html contains "Domain Knowledge Acquiring" and someone searches for "Domain Knowledge Acquiring", Google will display the current page in its search list.

How to do it?

Looks like you have plugin sources installed instead of plugin binaries:

  • Version and Vendor values not fetched from plugin xml descriptor;
  • Plugin name contains 'master' (branch name).

It's common problem due to 'Download ZIP' (means sources, positioned under git/svn urls) button on github repositories pages.

Ensure you are following instructions and download plugin from releases page


1 回答 1


如果对象标签与 Schema.org 标准匹配,Google 会获取和索引对象标签。因此,如果对最终用户有用,您的内容就有可能被解释并包含在 SERP 中。

您可以在此处阅读有关 Schema 的更多信息:http: //blog.schema.org/2011/07/on-june-2-nd-we-announced-collaboration.html

还可以考虑使用 Google Web Master,Fetch as Google Bot功能来查看 Google 实际看到的您的页面并优化您的代码。

于 2015-02-14T15:34:00.540 回答