I am writing an extension function for UrlHelper. This function will accept three String parameters. First param is ACTIOn, second is CONTROLLER and third is some RANDOM STRING.
example: url.customeURL("Index", "Home", "view=someview");
After accepting all these parameters, Extension function will return a URL with action, controller and a query string something like;
Here is my function:
public static string CustomUrlAction(this UrlHelper helper, string action, string controller, string parameters)
return helper.Action(action, controller, new { parameters });
The problem I am facing with my current implementation is, when I pass PARAMETERS to routeValues object it makes the URL like:
Whereas I want it to create an URL like:
So is there anyway I can achieve this? I know this can be easily done with Url.Action("Index", "Home", new {"view=someview"})
But I have to do it with an extension function.