我正在关注此示例,但我需要在“其他”选项中添加一个额外的文本框,该选项在单击“其他”复选框时被激活。我可以在表单中添加一个单独的文本框,并通过 JS 代码启用它,但是如何将它与 MultiCheckbox 的值或特定 target_class 的特定属性的复选框组组合在一起?
class FieldEducationAssignmentsForm extends Form
* @var EntityManager
protected $em;
public function __construct($name = null)
parent::__construct('Field Education Assignments');
$this->setAttribute('method', 'post');
'name' => 'id',
//'type' => 'Hidden',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Id',
'type' => 'Hidden',
'name' => 'buildName',
'attributes' => array(
'value' => 'unknown'
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\MultiCheckbox',
'name' => 'directPractice',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'A. Check all direct practice field education assignments',
'object_manager' => $this->getEntityManager(),
'target_class' => ' OnlineFieldEvaluation\Entity\FieldEducationAssignments', //'YOUR ENTITY NAMESPACE'
'property' => 'directPractice', //'your db collumn name'
'empty_option' => '--- please choose ---',
'value_options' => array(
'1' => 'Adults',
'2' => 'Individuals',
'3' => 'Information and Referral',
'4' => 'Families',
'5' => 'Advocacy',
'6' => 'Treatment Planning',
'7' => 'Children',
'8' => 'Groups',
'9' => 'Community Networking Linkages',
'10' => 'Adolescents',
'11' => 'Couples',
'12' => 'Case Management',
'13' => 'Discharge Planning',
'14' => 'Diagnostic Assessment',
'15' => 'Older Adults',
'16' => 'Psychosocial Assessment',
'17' => 'Short Term Intervention',
'18' => 'Crisis Intervention',
'19' => 'Long Term Intervention',
'20' => 'Inter/Multidisciplinary Team Meetings',
'21' => 'Other (specify)'
'attributes' => array(
'value' => '1', //set checked to '1'
'multiple' => true,
'name' => 'otherDirectPracticeTxt',
'type' => 'Text',
'attributes' => array(
'disabled' => 'disabled',
namespace OnlineFieldEvaluation\Entity;
// Add these import statements
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* General Time Management.
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="form_general_time_management")
class FieldEducationAssignments{
* @ORM\id
* @ORM\Column(type="integer");
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
* @ORM\Column(type="integer");
protected $studEvalId;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=1000)
protected $directPractice;
* @param mixed $directPractice
public function setDirectPractice($directPractice)
$this->directPractice = $directPractice;
* @return mixed
public function getDirectPractice()
return $this->directPractice;
* @param mixed $id
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
* @return mixed
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* @param mixed $studEvalId
public function setStudEvalId($studEvalId)
$this->studEvalId = $studEvalId;
* @return mixed
public function getStudEvalId()
return $this->studEvalId;
* Magic getter to expose protected properties.
* @param string $property
* @return mixed
public function __get($property)
return $this->$property;
* Magic setter to save protected properties.
* @param string $property
* @param mixed $value
public function __set($property, $value)
$this->$property = $value;
* Convert the object to an array.
* @return array
public function getArrayCopy()
return get_object_vars($this);