I am trying to fit my data to a beta-binomial distribution and estimate the alpha and beta shape parameters. For this distribution, the prior is taken from a beta distribution. Python does not have a fit function for beta-binomial but it does for beta. The python beta fitting and R beta binomial fitting is close but systematically off.
x = c(222,909,918,814,970,346,746,419,610,737,201,865,573,188,450,229,629,708,250,508)
y = c(2,18,45,11,41,38,22,7,40,24,34,21,49,35,31,44,20,28,39,17)
fit=vglm(cbind(y, x) ~ 1, betabinomialff, trace = TRUE)
shape1 shape2
1.736093 26.870768
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
x = np.array([222,909,918,814,970,346,746,419,610,737,201,865,573,188,450,229,629,708,250,508], dtype=float)
y = np.array([2,18,45,11,41,38,22,7,40,24,34,21,49,35,31,44,20,28,39,17])
scipy.stats.beta.fit((y)/(x+y), floc=0, fscale=1)
(1.5806623978910086, 24.031893492546242, 0, 1)
I have done this many times and it seems like python is systematically a little bit lower than the R results. I was wondering if this is an input error on my part or just a difference in the way they are calculated?