I'm having an issue with creating a component using react and martyjs. I'm sure it is a typo or something but I just can't seem to find it. Although I have a state mixin in the component the state is not being populated and it doesn't look like getState is even being called in the mixin.
var StateMixin = Marty.createStateMixin({
listenTo: VideoStore,
getState: function() {
return {
items: VideoStore.list(),
currentItem: VideoStore.select(),
var VideoStore = Marty.createStore({
displayName: "Store",
handlers: {
list: Events.List,
render: Events.Render
getInitialState: function(){
return { };
list: function(){
return this.fetch({
id: 'list',
locally: function(){
if(this.hasAlreadyFetched('list') )
return this.state.items;
remotely: function(){
return DissolveStateSource.list();
select: function(){},
render: function(){}
$( ()=>
var VideosTable = React.createClass(
mixins: StateMixin,
render: function() {
var body = this.state.list.when({ //state is null here
pending: function(){
return <span className="ball"></span>;
failed: function(error){
return <div className="error">error.message</div>;
done: function(videos){
return <div>Videos</div>;
return <h2>hello</h2>;
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: I've added a js bin thing here