不确定is stopwords
但你可以使用 Counterdictmost_common(10)
来获得 10 个最频繁的:
from collections import Counter
from string import punctuation
def content_text(text):
stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')) # 0(1) lookups
with_stp = Counter()
without_stp = Counter()
with open(text) as f:
for line in f:
spl = line.split()
# update count off all words in the line that are in stopwrods
with_stp.update(w.lower().rstrip(punctuation) for w in spl if w.lower() in stopwords)
# update count off all words in the line that are not in stopwords
without_stp.update(w.lower().rstrip(punctuation) for w in spl if w not in stopwords)
# return a list with top ten most common words from each
return [x for x in with_stp.most_common(10)],[y for y in without_stp.most_common(10)]
wth_stop, wthout_stop = content_text(...)
如果您传入一个 nltk 文件对象,只需对其进行迭代:
def content_text(text):
stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'))
with_stp = Counter()
without_stp = Counter()
for word in text:
# update count off all words in the line that are in stopwords
word = word.lower()
if word in stopwords:
# update count off all words in the line that are not in stopwords
# return a list with top ten most common words from each
return [k for k,_ in with_stp.most_common(10)],[y for y,_ in without_stp.most_common(10)]
nltk 方法包括标点符号,因此可能不是您想要的。