Nowadays it appears that many webpages want to use my cpu/harddrive/bandwidth in order to show me their ads/pages/information in beautiful but expensive ways.

Often I like these new pages, but sometimes I'm a curmudgeon and am just annoyed that my fan starts spinning and the EMF loads rise when I open the pages.

Is there a browser/plugin that I can use to throttle, best case, and/or monitor, worst case? I am not very knowledgeable of the Reactive JS, etc techniques, so I am hoping there is an easy solution?

thank you! Anne ps Normally I use Firefox but of course I have Chrome on my machines (win8, win7, mac 10.8) as well.


2 回答 2


You need a client side javascript manipulator.. they are known as User Scripts... For firefox, you want something like grease monkey.... its worth a google... This is not the simplest method, but most effective.

Otherwise you will just want a ad-remover addon for firefox.

Example For Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom?hl=en

They simply search for common code that are used to display adverts (like adsense) and will remove the code from the webpage anytime you view/load a page.

The GreaseMonkey/UserScripts path would be more if you want to customize how your browser interacts with web sites.. For example, you could say for every image on a webpage to be hidden/removed and so on..

As for monitoring, throttling.. Well, you can monitor.. but to throttle.. well that would require a application/proxy that goes between your browser and net connection.

There was one i used years ago that would allow me to simulate a 56k modem speed while developing web pages.

Monitors: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/collections/smayer97/for-managing-bandwidth-usage/

Throttle/Limiter: http://www.netlimiter.com/

于 2015-02-07T02:04:41.640 回答

OP, in Firefox 68+ (and probably earlier as long as it's Quantum) you can open Tools, Web Developer, Network, or CTRL-SH-E and see how long each element on a page takes to load. It actually has a lot of info. From there you can tell which ad servers are overloaded and take a while to load. Ad servers often slow down a page load because they are busy, but so do larger animated images shown as ads, or ad videos.

I know this isn't exactly a throttle, but it will help you find out more details of what is going on in a specific web page. FWIW, I simply block all ads on most pages and that helps increase load time and reduce bandwidth usage from Firefox.

于 2019-09-06T13:14:36.193 回答