我们有一个 ActivePivot 立方体,它是一个多态立方体(2 个节点),其中 1 个节点本身就是一个水平分布的立方体(8 个节点)。在 Tomcat 中运行,使用 JGroup TCP 进行分发。每天重启一次,但每次关闭(节点服务依次停止),日志中都会出现各种错误。这是无害的,但从监控的角度来看是令人讨厌的。


19:04:43.100 ERROR [Pool-LongPollin][streaming] A listener dropped (5f587379-ac67-4645-8554-2e02ed739924). The number of listeners is now 1
19:04:45.767 ERROR [Pool-LongPollin][streaming] Publishing global failure
19:05:16.313 ERROR [localhost-start][core] Failed to stop feed type MDXFEED with id A1C1D8D92CF7D867F09DCB7E65077B18.0.PT0


19:00:17.353 ERROR [pivot-remote-0-][distribution] A safe broadcasting task could not be performed
com.quartetfs.fwk.QuartetRuntimeException: [<node name>] Cannot run a broadcasting task with a STOPPED messenger



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出现这些错误是因为在应用程序关闭时 ActivePivotManager 正在积极停止分发,而不是等待每个分发的 ActivePivot 被通知其他多维数据集已停止。

要顺利停止分发,您可以使用 DistributionUtil 类中的方法。例如:

public class DistributionStopper {

protected final IActivePivotManager manager;

public DistributionStopper (IActivePivotManager manager){
    this.manager = manager;

public void stop(){
    // Get all the schemas from the manager
    final Collection<IActivePivotSchema> schemas = manager.getSchemas().values();

    // To store all the available messengers
    final List<IDistributedMessenger<?>> availableMessengers = new LinkedList<>();

    // Find all the messengers
    for(IActivePivotSchema schema : schemas){
        for(String pivotId : schema.getPivotIds()){
            // Retrieve the activePivot matching this id
            final IMultiVersionActivePivot pivot = schema.retrieveActivePivot(pivotId);

            if(pivot instanceof IMultiVersionDistributedActivePivot){
                IDistributedMessenger<IActivePivotSession> messenger = ((IMultiVersionDistributedActivePivot) pivot).getMessenger();
                if(messenger != null){

    // Smoothly stop the messengers


然后根据 activePivotManager 单例 bean 将此自定义类注册为 Spring bean,以便在管理器之一之前调用其 destroyMethod。

public DistributionStopper distributionStopper(IActivePivotManager manager){
    return new DistributionStopper(manager);
于 2015-02-12T15:20:47.023 回答