Doug McMahon (Oracle employee) has a great open source module for Apache.
Apache PL/SQL Gateway Module
I am using it in a production environment and I highly recommend it. It's really fast and rock solid.
You need to do some compiling but it's worth it being able to use Apache 2.4 and mod_plsql.
- download httpd 2.4.? from + extract
- If Centos 6 or less download apr and apr-util
configure with enable-so, make and make install
./configure --enable-so --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr
Download mod_owa + unzip
create empty directory. Copy all files from "apache24" into new folder. Copy all files from "src" to new folder
enter new folder and edit <-- important add $ORACLE_HOME, edit APACHE_TOP
Copy to apache's modules
Add a modowa.conf in Apache's conf/ dir.
Example modowa.conf:
loadModule owa_module modules/
<Location /pls>
Options None
SetHandler owa_handler
OwaUserid user/pass
OwaPool 100
OwaStart "package.procedure"
OwaDocProc "wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download"
OwaDocTable photos_upload BLOB_CONTENT
OwaUploadMax 50M
OwaCharset "utf8"
order deny,allow
allow from all
OwaReset LAZY
OwaCharsize 4
OwaFlex package.procedure
OwaHttp REST
Before starting httpd ORACLE_HOME, NLS_LANG needs to be set (ORACLE_SID also if local). It needs access to an Oracle Home with (Oracle client will do).
I simply added oracle.conf (one line full path to oracle home/lib) under /etc/ (+ ldconfig)
Really scalable and a much cleaner setup then OHS.