这个答案比我计划的要长得多,有点像编写高效 asm 的教程。即如何使一个简单的问题复杂化。
如果有人对尝试的实现的代码审查感兴趣,并且有很多 asm 技巧的版本:
有很多小方法可以做得更好,例如 keep 5
in bl
。您不必总是使用div bl
. AMD64 有 20 个单字节寄存器。(al/ah、bl/bh、cl/ch、dl/dh(无 REX)和 sil、dil、... r15b(需要 REX))。
使用 16 位计数器至少会浪费字节(操作数大小的前缀),并且会导致速度变慢。使用mov reg,0
mov rax, 1
与 相比mov eax, 1
本身就是。)设置 64 位寄存器,然后使用int 0x80
32 位兼容性 ABI 更加愚蠢。
首先将 16 位计数器存储到内存中是愚蠢的,但是将其存储到只保留一个字节的地址是自找麻烦。
除了小东西, FizzBuzz(3,5)
完全避免一些 s。使用汇编器宏,您可以轻松地生成一个完全展开的循环,每个循环具有 LCM(fizz,buzz) 输出(在这种情况下为 15 个);足以让模式重复,所以你不需要任何条件。
展开而不展开。 @anatolyg 的 16 位 DOS 代码高尔夫 FizzBuzz 做到了。这是一种非常常见的技术,每 N 次发生其他事情就做某事。例如,性能计数器事件以这种方式工作。
这是我对高效 FizzBuzz(用于 AMD64 Linux)的尝试,不使用任何库。只有write(2)
我展开 3 (Fizz) 以删除所有对counter%3
. 我counter%5
用从 5 开始的倒计时而不是除法来处理支票。这仍然需要相当多的逻辑,完全展开到模式重复的点(LCM(3,5))就会消失。整数到 ASCII 数字的代码可以在一个函数中,或者内联到展开的循环中以获得非常臃肿的代码。
在使用前使用 -immediate。这需要良好的评论来跟踪你把什么放在哪里。
在可能写入文件或管道的实际程序中,最好使用 C stdio 的策略,即在这种情况下使用更大的缓冲区。(许多~100 字节的写入比更少的 4096B 写入要糟糕得多。)不过,我认为这是在传统 printf 每次迭代或将整个字符串累积到一个大缓冲区之间的一个有趣的选择。我使用静态缓冲区而不是保留堆栈空间,因为我正在编写整个程序,而不是应该避免在返回后浪费内存的函数。此外,它让我可以使用 32 位操作数大小进行指针增量,以节省代码字节(REX 前缀)。
累积多个块非常容易,直到您到达下一组可能超过缓冲区末尾的点。即比较当前位置与buffer_end - BUZZMOD*FIZZMOD*9
。优化 I/O 系统调用显然是一个广泛的话题,这个版本足以演示在缓冲区中累积字符串。
; for (count=1..100):
; if(count%3 == 0) { print_fizz(); }
; if(count%5 == 0) { print_buzz(); } else {
; if(count%3 && count%5) print(count);
;; }
; print(newline)
; We don't need pointers to these strings at all; The strings are immediate data for a couple mov instructions
;SECTION .rodata ; put constants in .rodata.
; fizz: db "fizz" ; No idea what the trailing 4 was for
; buzz: db "buzz"
FIZZMOD equ 3 ; only 3 works, but it would be easy to use a loop
BUZZMOD equ 5 ; any value works
LASTCOUNT equ 100 ; max 100: we only handle two decimal digits.
; TODO: cleanup that can handle LASTCOUNT%FIZZMOD != 1 and LASTCOUNT%BUZZMOD != 0
;;; generate a string in this buffer. (flush it with write(2) on "fizzbuzz" lines)
; buf: resb 4096
buf: resb FIZZMOD * BUZZMOD * 9 ; (worst case: every line is "fizzbuzz\n")
global _start
; args for write(2). (syscall clobbers rcx/r11, and rax with the return value)
mov edi, 1 ; STDOUT_FILENO. also happens to be __NR_write in the AMD64 Linux ABI
mov esi, buf ; static data lives in the low 2G of address space, so we don't need a 64bit mov
;; edx = count. ; calculated each iteration
;; mov eax, edi ; also needed every time. saves 3B vs mov eax, imm32
; 'fizz' is only used once, so we could just store with an immediate there. That wouldn't micro-fuse, and we'd have to do the newline separately
mov r10b, 10 ; base 10
;;mov r14d, BUZZMOD ; not needed, we don't div for this
mov r12, 'fizz' | 10<<32 ; `fizz\n`, but YASM doesn't support NASM's backquotes for \-escapes
mov r13, 'buzz' | 10<<32 ; `buzz\n`. When buzz appears, it's always the end of a line
;;;;;;;; Set up for first iteration
mov ebp, BUZZMOD ; detect count%BUZZMOD == 0 with a down-counter instead of dividing
mov ebx, 1 ; counter starts at 1
mov edx, esi ; current output position = front of buf
;; TODO: loop FIZZMOD-1 times inside buzz_or_number, or here
;; It doesn't make much sense to unroll this loop but not inline buzz_or_number :/
call buzz_or_number
inc ebx
call buzz_or_number
add ebx, 2 ; counter is never printed on Fizz iterations, so just set up for next main_loop
;; Fizz, and maybe also Buzz
mov qword [rdx], r12 ; Fizz with a newline
add edx, 5 ; TODO: move this after the branch; adjust the offsets in .fizzbuzz
dec ebp
jz .fizzbuzz
;;.done_buzz: ; .fizzbuzz duplicates the main_loop branch instead of jumping back here
jbe main_loop
;;;;;;;;;; END OF main_loop
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cleanup after the loop
; hard-code the fact that 100 % FIZZMOD = 1 more line to print,
; and that 100 % BUZZMOD = 0, so the line is "buzz\n"
mov eax, edi ; __NR_write
mov [rdx], r13 ; the final "buzz\n".
sub edx, buf - 5 ; write_count = current_pos+5 - buf.
syscall ; write(1, buf, p - buf).
;; if buf isn't static, then use add edx, 5 / sub edx, esi
xor edi, edi
mov eax, 231 ; exit_group(0). same as eax=60: exit() for a single-threaded program
;;;;; The fizzbuzz case from the loop
;; count%BUZZMOD == 0: rdx points after the \n at the end of fizz\n, which we need to overwrite
;; this is a macro so we can use it in buzz_or_number, too, where we don't need to back up and overwrite a \n
%macro BUZZ_HIT 1
mov [rdx - %1], r13 ; buzz\n. Next line will overwrite the last 3 bytes of the 64b store.
add edx, 5 - %1
mov ebp, BUZZMOD ; reset the count%BUZZMOD down-counter
BUZZ_HIT 1 ; arg=1 to back up and overwrite the \n from "fizz\n"
sub edx, esi ; write_count = current_pos - buf
mov eax, edi ; __NR_write
syscall ; write(1, buf, p - buf). clobbers only rax (return value), and rcx,r11
mov edx, esi ; restart at the front of the buffer
;;; tail-duplication of the main loop, instead of jmp back to the cmp/jbe
;;; could just be a jmp main_loop, if we check at assemble time that LASTCOUNT % FIZZMOD != 0 || LASTCOUNT % BUZZMOD != 0
jbe main_loop
jmp .cleanup
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; buzz_or_number: called for non-fizz cases
; special calling convention: uses (without clobbering) the same regs as the loop
;; modifies: BUZZMOD down-counter, output position pointer
;; clobbers: rax, rcx
dec ebp
jnz .no_buzz ; could make this part of the macro, but flow-control inside macros is probably worse than duplication
;; count%BUZZMOD == 0: append "buzz\n" to the buffer and reset the down-counter
BUZZ_HIT 0 ; back up 0 bytes before appending
.no_buzz: ;; get count as a 1 or 2-digit ASCII number
;; assert(ebx < 10); We don't handle 3-digit numbers
mov eax, ebx
div r10b ; al = count/10 (first (high) decimal digit), ah = count%10 (second (low) decimal digit).
;; x86 is little-endian, so this is in printing-order already for storing eax
;movzx eax, ax ; avoid partial-reg stalls on pre-Haswell
;; convert integer digits to ASCII by adding '0' to al and ah at the same time, and set the 3rd byte to `\n`.
cmp ebx, 9 ; compare against the original counter instead of the div result, for more ILP and earlier detection of branch misprediction
jbe .1digit ; most numbers from 1..100 are 2-digit, so make this the not-taken case
add eax, 0x0a3030 ;; `00\n`: converts 2 integer digits -> ASCII
;; eax now holds the number + newline as a 3-byte ASCII string
mov [rdx], eax
add edx, 3
;; Could use a 16bit operand-size here to avoid partial-reg stalls, but an imm16 would LCP-stall on Intel.
shr eax, 8 ; Shift out the leading 0
add eax, 0x000a30 ;; 1-digit numbers
;; eax now holds the number + newline as a 2-byte ASCII string
mov [rdx], ax
add edx, 2
$ strace ./fizzbuzz > /dev/null
execve("./fizzbuzz", ["./fizzbuzz"], [/* 69 vars */]) = 0
write(1, "1\n2\nfizz\n4\nbuzz\nfizz\n7\n8\nfizz\nbu"..., 58) = 58
write(1, "16\n17\nfizz\n19\nbuzz\nfizz\n22\n23\nfi"..., 63) = 63
write(1, "31\n32\nfizz\n34\nbuzz\nfizz\n37\n38\nfi"..., 63) = 63
write(1, "46\n47\nfizz\n49\nbuzz\nfizz\n52\n53\nfi"..., 63) = 63
write(1, "61\n62\nfizz\n64\nbuzz\nfizz\n67\n68\nfi"..., 63) = 63
write(1, "76\n77\nfizz\n79\nbuzz\nfizz\n82\n83\nfi"..., 63) = 63
write(1, "91\n92\nfizz\n94\nbuzz\nfizz\n97\n98\nfi"..., 40) = 40
exit_group(0) = ?
./fizzbuzz | diff - <(perl -E'say((fizz)[$_%3].(buzz)[$_%5]or$_)for+1..100')
# no output = no difference
展开 Buzz (5) 并为 Fizz 使用向下计数器可能会更糟。我的版本有一个 64 位存储,fizz\n\0\0\0
. 另一种方式是有一个分支来决定是否存储fizz
(不需要换行符,所以它可以是一个 32 位存储)。然后它将无条件存储buzz\n\0\0\0
. 然而,由于 FIZZMOD 比 BUZZMOD 小,这意味着递减计数器的重置更频繁,并且需要更多检查以查看我们是否需要在本次迭代中打印数字而不是字符串。每三行已知fizz\n
如果重叠存储是一个问题,那么整个算法就搞砸了,这只是众多算法之一。此外,我们可以在存储和添加 5 之前进行分支fizz\n
情况下,我们进行两次存储并添加 9。这也将 dec/jcc 与底部的 cmp/jcc 分开main_loop
,因此它们有望同时进行宏熔断在前哈斯韦尔。IIRC,一些 CPU 有分支预测器,它们真的不喜欢多个非常接近的分支。
,并可能将其变成一个循环(FIZZMOD-1 迭代)
除此之外,它可能分支更少,以及其他小的改进。这是一个版本 1.1:工作,测试,在编写这个答案时添加了一些评论和观察,但实际上并没有对我最初认为的代码进行太多改进,以查看它是否有效。
通过为最后几行编写清理循环(或汇编器宏)来使其更灵活LASTCOUNT % FIZZMOD
,而不是假设它是 1 行。清理代码是展开的缺点。
我使用 a div
by 10将计数器转换为字符串。更好的实现将使用乘法逆,例如编译器为小的常量除数生成(在这种情况下使用 LEA 实现)。
另一个值得考虑的策略是减少增加一系列 ASCII 数字(存储在寄存器中)的强度。这种技术将更难扩展到具有更多数字的数字。按打印顺序存储它们(低字节中的最高有效数字)会使数字之间的进位对我们不利而不是对我们不利。(例如,如果它们按自然顺序排列,您可以add eax, 256-10
通过进位更正低位并增加高位。)保持这种方式可能是值得的,但要存储 BSWAP。将一个\n
嵌入在寄存器中以便只需要一个商店可能不值得。检测和处理 1 位数字变成 2 位数字已经够糟糕的了。
在 32 位模式下,我们可以使用AAA
指令在递增后进行十进制进位。但是,尽管有助记符,但它适用于 BCD ( 0-9
),而不是 ASCII ( '0'-'9'
),并且似乎不容易将进位传播到第 3 位。难怪 AMD 为 AMD64 删除了它。它检查AF
标志以检测低 4 位的执行,但这仅适用于DAA
,您将两个 BCD 数字打包到一个字节中,并且当您添加未知值而不是递增时。在这种情况下,您只需检查al >= 10
我的第一个版本几乎第一次就成功了(在修复了几个语法错误以便它可以组装之后,以及一个需要几分钟调试 IIRC 的愚蠢崩溃之后):它打印fizz\nbuzz\n
案例中,并且它颠倒了数字。 我一直忘记数字字符串需要首先存储最重要的数字,而不是小端二进制整数中的字节。
我决定不使用1 位与 2 位 ASCII 转换代码的无分支版本,因为它需要大量指令。此外,分支应该很好地预测。
;; Untested
div r10b
DECIMAL_TO_ASCII_NEWLINE_2DIGIT equ 0x0a3030 ; add '0' to two unpacked decimal digits, and a newline
;; hoist this out of the loop: mov r15d, DECIMAL_TO_ASCII_NEWLINE_2DIGIT - DECIMAL_TO_ASCII_NEWLINE_1DIGIT
xor ecx,ecx
cmp ah, 1 ; set CF if ah=0 (1 digit number), otherwise clear it. This allows sbb for a conditional add, instead of setcc
cmovae ecx, r15d ; 0 or the difference from 1digit to 2digit
lea eax, [rax+rcx + DECIMAL_TO_ASCII_NEWLINE_1DIGIT] ; rax+=0x0a3030 or 0x000a30, without clobbering flags
mov [rdx], eax
sbb edx, -3 ; add 2 (-(-3) - 1) or 3.
在 32 位(和 16 位)模式下,有一条div
. 它被称为AAM
,并与其他 BCD/ASCII 指令一起为 AMD64 删除。它可以方便地测试被 5 整除,而无需为除数占用寄存器或在循环内浪费一条指令。它比 略快div r/m8
:与 相比,它的输出反转div
Anatolyg 打高尔夫球的 FizzBuzz在循环中使用 AAM,shr ax, 8
检查 count%5,然后将其处理为 count%10,而不是进行单独的除法来获取 ASCII 数字。
;; Untested
mov eax, ebx
aam 5 ; al = al%5 ah = al/5. (opposite locations from div), and sets flags according to the remainder.
jz print_buzz ; tailcall
; fall through into print_counter
; maybe use the result of div by 5 to get division by 10?
; shifting the low bit of the quotient into bit 4 of the remainder should be faster than dividing again.
;; after AAM: ah = 5bit quotient (qqqqQ), al = 3bit remainder(RRR)
;; starting point: ; AX = [ 000qqqqQ 00000RRR ]
;; desired = byte swapped as well: [ 0000QRRR 0000qqqq ]
shl al, 5 ; AX = [ 000qqqqQ RRR00000 ]
shr ax, 1 ; AX = [ 0000qqqq QRRR0000 ]
ror ax, 8 ; AX = [ QRRR0000 0000qqqq ] ; simple byte-swap
shr ah, 4 ; AX = [ 0000QRRR 0000qqqq ]
add eax, ...; convert to ascii
; those instructions are all single-uop 1c latency on SnB-family, but pre-Haswell will insert extra merging uops. (And stall while doing so, on pre-SnB).
; and there's another partial-reg stall when we read eax
; It might be possible to do this bit manipulation with fewer operations, or maybe different ones. (maybe copy ax to cx, so we can move from cl or ch to al or ah?)
; shr ah, 1 ; AX = [ 0000qqqq 00000RRR ] CF=Q ; then what? setc/shift/or? rcl is slow, too.
; rorx eax, eax, 32-4 ; AX = [ qqqq0000 0RRR0000 ] CF=Q
; nope, seems a dead end
; shl ah, 3 ; AX = [ qqqqQ000 00000RRR ]
; ror ax, 7 ; AX = [ 0000RRRq qqqQ0000 ]
; shr al, 4 ; AX = [ 0000RRRq 0000qqqQ ]
; oops, no, shifts the wrong way.
; shl ah, 3 ; AX = [ qqqqQ000 00000RRR ]
; or ah, al ; AX = [ qqqqQRRR 00000RRR ]
; xor al,al ; AX = [ qqqqQRRR 00000000 ]
; rol ax, 4 ; AX = [ QRRR0000 0000qqqq ]
; shr ah, 4 ; AX = [ QRRR0000 qqqq0000 ]
; only 3 shifts, but still partial-reg heavy. Interesting on Haswell
; ror ax, 9 ; AX = [ Q00000RR R000qqqq ] CF=Q