make_row <- function(elem) {
dat <- bind_rows(lapply(corpusGoog, make_row))
## Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 10 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ timestamp : POSIXct, format: "2015-02-03 13:08:16" "2015-01-11 23:37:45" ...
## $ heading : chr "A guide to data mining with Hadoop - Information Age" "Barack Obama to seek limits on student data mining - Politico" "Is data mining riddled with risk or a natural hazard of the internet? - INTHEBLACK" "Why an obscure British data-mining company is worth $3 billion - Quartz" ...
## $ description: chr "Information AgeA guide to data mining with HadoopInformation AgeWith the advent of the Internet of Things and the transition fr"| __truncated__ "PoliticoBarack Obama to seek limits on student data miningPoliticoPresident Barack Obama on Monday is expected to call for toug"| __truncated__ "INTHEBLACKIs data mining riddled with risk or a natural hazard of the internet?INTHEBLACKData mining is now viewed as a serious"| __truncated__ "QuartzWhy an obscure British data-mining company is worth $3 billionQuartzTesco, the troubled British retail group, is starting"| __truncated__ ...
## $ content : chr "A guide to data mining with Hadoop\nHow businesses can realise and capitalise on the opportunities that Hadoop offers\nPosted b"| __truncated__ "By Stephanie Simon\n1/11/15 6:32 PM EST\nPresident Barack Obama on Monday is expected to call for tough legislation to protect "| __truncated__ "By Adam Courtenay\nData mining is now viewed as a serious security threat, but with all the hype, s"| __truncated__ "How We Buy\nJanuary 12, 2015\nTesco, the troubled British retail group, is starting over. After an accounting scandal , a serie"| __truncated__ ...
dat %>%
arrange(timestamp) %>%
select(heading) %>%
## Source: local data frame [6 x 1]
## heading
## 1 The potential of fighting corruption through data mining - Transparency International (pre
## 2 Barack Obama to seek limits on student data mining - Politico
## 3 Why an obscure British data-mining company is worth $3 billion - Quartz
## 4 Parks and Rec Recap: Treat Yo Self to Some Data Mining - Indianapolis Monthly
## 5 Fraud and data mining in Vancouverâ\u0080¦just Outside the Lines - Vancouver Sun (blog)
## 6 'Parks and Rec' Data-Mining Episode Was Eerily True To Life - MediaPost Communications