我一直在使用 IBM MobileFirst Studio 6.3 运行混合应用程序。从 Eclipse 运行 MobileFirst 开发服务器几个小时后,服务器将自动停止。

仅供参考 - 我们需要此服务器保持活动状态,以便我们在 QA 环境中测试应用程序


[AUDIT ] CWWKT0017I: Web application removed (default_host): http://ServerName:10080/worklightadmin/ [AUDIT ] CWWKT0017I: Web application removed (default_host): http://ServerName:10080/worklightconsole/ [AUDIT ] CWWKT0017I: Web application removed (default_host): http://ServerName:10080/worklight-analytics-service/ [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application WorklightConsole has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application WorklightAnalytics has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application _MobileBrowserSimulator has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application WorklightAnalyticsServices has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application WorklightServices has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] CWWKT0017I: Web application removed (default_host): http://ServerName:10080/IBMJMXConnectorREST/ [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application XXXXX has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] CWWKZ0009I: The application YYYYY has stopped successfully. [AUDIT ] WTRN0105I: The transaction service has shutdown successfully with no transactions requiring recovery. [AUDIT ] CWWKE0036I: The server worklight stopped after 2 days, 9 hours, 1 minutes, 30.31 seconds.


1 回答 1


IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation Developer Edition 用于开发目的,而不是用于生产。根据来自服务器的日志,看起来 WebSphere Application Server“WAS”在打开 2 天后正在关闭。

请查看 IBM 知识中心中的以下链接http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_6.3.0/com.ibm.worklight.getstart.doc/getstart/c_wl_editions.html以获取有关IBM MobileFirst Studio 的不同版本。

于 2015-02-03T03:58:44.073 回答