Xctool 不适用于我的 Jenkins 工作(v 1.598),但可以使用终端


xctool -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=8.1,name=iPhone 6' -reporter pretty -reporter json-compilation-database:compile_commands.json -reporter junit:Build/junit.xml clean test OBJROOT=./Build


[Info] Collecting info for testables... (1249 ms)
  run-test TestingProject.xctest (8.1, iPhone 6, application-test)
    [Warning] Tried to install the test host app 'com.domain.app' but failed. (54 ms)
    [Info] Preparing test environment failed; will retry 2 more times (0 ms)
    [Info] Verified iOS Simulators... (0 ms)
    [Info] Shut down iOS Simulator... (0 ms)
    [Info] Stopped any existing iOS simulator jobs to get a fresh simulator. (7 ms)
    [Info] Reset iOS simulator content and settings at path "/Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/144B4DFF-8E5D-4685-AF80-4970F634E7A8/data" (127 ms)
    [Warning] Tried to install the test host app 'com.domain.app' but failed. (13 ms)

我正在使用 xctool 0.2.2,其中奇怪的部分是我在本地机器上运行相同的 Jenkins 工作并且它工作正常。


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