我刚刚获得了 Thawte 123 SSL 证书,但在将其上传到 AWS 以将其与 CloudFront 一起用作自定义 SNI SSL 证书时遇到问题。AWS 拒绝 CA 链。我正在为SSL Web 服务器和 Thawte 通配符证书使用Thawte 中间 CA 捆绑包。
为了能够使用我的私钥,我将其转换为 RSA 密钥:
openssl rsa -in private.key -out private-rsa-key.pem`
aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name example.com-certificate --certificate-body file://certificate.pem --private-key file://private.pem --certificate-chain https://search.thawte.com/library/VERISIGN/ALL_OTHER/thawte%20ca/SSL_CA_Bundle.pem --path /cloudfront/example.com/
A client error (MalformedCertificate) occurred when calling the UploadServerCertificate operation: Unable to validate certificate chain. The certificate chain must start with the immediate signing certificate, followed by any intermediaries in order. The index within the chain of the invalid certificate is: 0
A client error (MalformedCertificate) occurred when calling the UploadServerCertificate operation: Unable to validate certificate chain. The certificate chain must start with the immediate signing certificate, followed by any intermediaries in order. The index within the chain of the invalid certificate is: 1
Thawte CA 链与 AWS 不兼容吗?