tp_alloc 中创建的任何东西都应该在 tp_dealloc 中销毁,这是真的吗?同样对于 {tp_new, tp_free}?
class OSClass : PyObject {...}
class Final : OSClass {...}
所以对应的PyTypeObject pto
pto->tp_basicsize = sizeof(FinalClass)
pto->tp_dealloc = (destructor)
[](PyObject* pyob) { PyMem_Free(pyob); };
但是,新样式类将 PyObject 及其对应的 C++ 对象彼此分开存储,因此工作方式不同。
它在 tp_new 中创建 PyObject,并在 tp_init 中创建相应的 C++ 对象。
并在 tp_dealloc 中销毁它们
// extra void* to point to corresponding C++ object
pto->tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyObject) + sizeof(void*)
pto->tp_new = new_func;
pto->tp_init = init_func;
pto->tp_dealloc = dealloc_func;
static PyObject* new_func( PyTypeObject* subtype, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds )
// First we create the Python object.
// The type-object's tp_basicsize is set to sizeof(Bridge)
// (Note: We could maybe use PyType_GenericNew for this:
// )
PyObject* pyob = subtype->tp_alloc(subtype,0);
Bridge* bridge = reinterpret_cast<Bridge*>(pyob);
// We construct the C++ object later in init_func (below)
bridge->m_pycxx_object = nullptr;
return pyob;
static int init_func( PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds )
Object a = to_tuple(args);
Object k = to_dict(kwds);
Bridge* bridge{ reinterpret_cast<Bridge*>(self) };
// NOTE: observe this is where we invoke the
// constructor, but indirectly (i.e. through final)
bridge->m_pycxx_object = new FinalClass{ bridge, a, k };
catch( Exception & )
return -1;
return 0;
static void dealloc_func( PyObject* pyob )
auto final = static_cast<FinalClass*>( cxxbase_for(pyob) );
delete final;
COUT( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );