我有一个非常基本的应用程序,在该应用程序中向用户致意,并且可以选择选择 1 或 2 并被发送到回调脚本。每当我通过第一个菜单时,它都会给我一个“应用程序遇到错误”消息。



    // make an associative array of callers we know, indexed by phone number
    $people = array(
        "+15559990000"=>"A"  );

    // if the caller is known, then greet them by name
    // otherwise, consider them just another caller
    if(!$name = $people[$_REQUEST['From']])
        $name = "caller";

    // now greet the caller
    header("content-type: text/xml");
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";

    <Gather action="process.php" numDigits="1">
        <Say>Hello <?php echo $name ?>. Welcome to Choons by Yo-say.</Say>
        <Say>To continue as <?php echo $name ?>, press 1.</Say>
        <Say>If you are using a different number but would like to access your account, press 2</Say>
    <!-- If customer doesn't input anything, prompt and try again. -->
    <Say>Sorry, I didn't get your response.</Say>

所以 process.php 脚本看起来像这样:

    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';

    echo '<Response>';

    # @start snippet
    $user_pushed = (int) $_REQUEST['Digits'];
    # @end snippet

    if ($user_pushed == 1)
        echo '<Say>You pressed 1</Say>';

    if ($user_pushed == 2) 
        echo '<Say>You pressed 2</Say>';
    else {
        // We'll implement the rest of the functionality in the 
        // following sections.
        echo "<Say>Sorry, I can't do that yet.</Say>";
        echo '<Redirect>mine-or-not.php</Redirect>';

    echo '</Response>';



1 回答 1


Twilio 布道者在这里。


  1. 检查App Monitor以查看 Twilio 在尝试向您的网站发出请求时捕获的内容。通常这会给你足够的信息来弄清楚发生了什么。App Monitor 还允许您“重播”发送与原始相同参数的单个 webhook 请求,以帮助您诊断故障。

  2. 尝试在浏览器中加载 PHP 文件或使用FiddlerPostman之类的工具来模拟 HTTP 请求 Twilio 请求。这将让你练习你的代码,像 Twilio 一样向它们发出 HTTP 请求,但是你可以看到你的应用程序发送的响应。


于 2015-01-30T19:50:10.847 回答