Given a simple custom generator:
# lib/generators/custom_model/custom_model_generator.rb
class CustomModelGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
def rails_generate_model
generate 'model', "#{file_name} #{args.join(' ')}"
Which is used like so:
$ rails generate custom_model ModelName
How can i define the destroy behavior for this custom generator?
$ rails destroy custom_model ModelName
Actually, my problem is that this generator use the generate method to use an existing rails generator. But i couldn't find any method to reverse what this generate did.
I used to use this for my own generators (which doesn't call any existing generator), and write my own "destroy" routines:
case self.behavior
when :invoke
# do that stuff
when :revoke
# undo it!
I red a lot about this accross the web, but nothing relevant or up-to-date. So any advices are more than welcome.
Thanks for reading.