I am trying to write a JIRA query to query a bunch of defects. The problem I am having is that if there is a JQL keyword in the list of defects I am querying, the entire query fails and spits out the following error:

JiraError HTTP 400 - text: Error in the JQL Query: 'update' is a reserved JQL word. 
You must surround it in quotation marks to use it in a query.

My query:

jira.search_issues( 'key in ({})'.format(','.join(defects))),
                     maxResults = MAX_JIRA_RESULTS )

This fails when a defect contains the word: 'update'. Now it is a bad data error, but I want to make sure the query is tolerant to malicious input.

Now the only way I can think of to make sure this bug never happens again is to make sure each defect that contains a JIRA keyword has that keyword escaped. This is obviously pretty tedious and is subject to fail if any new JQL keywords are added.

So is there a better way to do this other than escaping each JIRA keyword I find in my string? Additionally, is there an easy way in Python to get the JIRA keywords?



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key in ("abc-1","def-2")

如果您要在其中替换“更新”一词,它将消除您抱怨的特定错误……但是,不幸的是,您会得到另一个错误:The issue key 'update' for field 'key' is invalid.

幸运的是,有一个更好的解决方案。您的问题表明您正在使用问题密钥。JIRA 问题密钥始终采用以下格式:


其中的格式PROJECTJIRA 明确定义,即:

  • 第一个字符必须是字母,
  • 项目密钥中使用的所有字母必须来自现代罗马字母和大写字母,并且
  • 只能使用字母、数字或下划线字符。


请注意,虽然 JIRA 系统管理员可以在这些准则之外更改项目正则表达式格式,但这相对不常见(并且 Atlassian 不支持在该配置中运行 JIRA)。

于 2015-01-29T19:08:48.163 回答