I can't seem to be able to figure out how to use Monticello with SmalltalkHub. I've used it before to manage local repositories.

Did this:

MCHttpRepository location: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/BenComan/PointerDetective/main' user: '' password: ''

When I opened the Monticello Browser there is no package on the left named PointerDetective.

Do I need to do something extra?

PS. Added a package to the left pane myself and then added the repository from the link to it. If I "Open" it I can install just fine and then a new WhateverPackage appears on the left. Then I just delete my old package.

PS1. Also noticed that when you first open the Monticello Browser, the online repository does appear in the list on the right, and one can Open it. However selecting something on the left changes the right pane, and you can never get back to it unless you quit Monticello and Open it again?


1 回答 1


你在你的第一个 PS 中是对的。要添加一个 repo,你需要按“+ Repository”选择 http 并粘贴到那里“MCHttp…”


现在,在检查器的右侧,您有一个下拉菜单,您可以在其中选择是只想查看选定包的 repos 还是所有 repos。如果您没有选择包,您将看到所有 repos(您不需要重新打开浏览器,您可以取消选择包)。

现在,如果您想将现有包与 repo 相关联,您应该添加该 repo 并选择所需的包,或者如果 repo 已经添加,您可以右键单击它并选择“添加到包...”

于 2015-01-29T08:58:52.290 回答