I am using metro ui and am trying to use ng-repeat within it to build html within a popup.
My template looks like this. Any thoughts would help. I have verified the data is there, but ng-repeat just doesn't work within double quotes. I've tried using single quotes, but that doesn't work.
Here's my template.
<div class="container">
<div class="title-group six">
<a ng-repeat="product in products"
data-hint="{{product.name}}|<div><ul><li ng-repeat='color in product.colors'>{{color.name}}</li> </ul></div>" href="#/product/{{product.id}}" class="tile bg-violet" data-click="transform" >
<div class="tile-content icon">
<img src="{{product.pic}}">
<div class="brand">
<div class="label">{{product.name}} </div>