I have created an OAuth 2.0 authorization service using OWIN OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server by following the steps at http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/owin-and-katana/owin-oauth-20-authorization-server

I am using the Resource Owner Credentials flow.

My client is an MVC app. I am able to get the access token, etc. from the OWIN Auth server.

However, the resource server is built using ServiceStack and now I am not sure how to authenticate the resource services using the OWIN Auth.

Edit I am using DotNetOpenAuth library in the resource server. However, it requires me to specify the certificate details for signing and encryption. However, I have not specified any certificates in the OWIN auth service. So I am not sure, what I need to do to have DotNetOpenAuth library not require certificates for decoding the access token.


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解决方案使用 ServiceStack 作为资源服务器,使用 DotNetOpenAuth 作为身份验证提供程序

于 2015-02-16T13:54:31.700 回答

要完成这项工作,您需要获取 base 64 格式的证书密钥并将其放入配置文件中。

(不过,我选择使用 DotNetOpenAuth 解决方案而不是 OWIN)

于 2015-10-20T04:38:13.367 回答